View Full Version : Feedback On New Marketing Model

09-18-2011, 01:55 AM
Hey Guys,

I wanted to get some feedback on a new marketing model we're putting in place.

Smartphones stats show that people text message more than any other activity, so we decided to do a new way of getting ads in front of people while text messaging. Basically we took the coupon offer model and are inserting targeted coupons in user's incoming text messages. This is done by creating our own text message app that you use in place of your built in texting app.

We are then paying users 5 cents to receive the offers. Since offers are in our own app and are attached to incoming messages only users are not spamming their friends. We're also able to create graphic rich coupons that users can also use to interact with the advertising business, such as bringing up the store location in google maps, liking the business on Facebook, and so on.

We just opened to beta advertisers, so anyone can use it for free during our beta. I would love to get some feedback, let me know :) you can check it out at http://www.PsBTW.com


09-19-2011, 02:28 PM
psbtw, well my first reaction is awghrrrr!!! another ad in my devices of communication. But I myself do online marketing, so I am trying to come to terms with so much advertising.

Other than you paying users for the ads, what makes you think that people will sign up and choose your texting platform vs. the one they have download to receive/send ads?

As I write, I am thinking, the reason why I would use your app, is if I run out of my monthly texting quota. Then, the incentive is to text w/o having to pay to send/receive texts... hey perhaps there is a viable incentive, eventually you may not even need to pay the 5c...

keep us posted,

09-19-2011, 02:36 PM
Ya, to me texting customers or friends with ads is a good way to annoy your friends.

09-20-2011, 02:51 PM
Ya, to me texting customers or friends with ads is a good way to annoy your friends.

It looks like the ads only get attached to incoming messages, so your friends won't be annoyed. It looks like I'm the odd one among the repliers, but I think this app has potential.

I took a quick look at your website. Being a nitpick, I saw that under "ad frequency," you (or someone in your organization) put "looses" instead of "loses." We're not always rite even wen a spell checker is their too help, eh? ;)

Two things in the pro version that might put off users: 1. users must click to be paid, and 2. the signature at the end of messages. Maybe you could make the ads a little bit more prominent instead of requiring the user to click on the coupon to avoid user annoyance. This is just speculation, but the outgoing signature might be rather annoying, too, as the product implies that your friends won't be annoyed when you send them messages.

If you did the research and found that users won't be put off by these features, then by all means, keep 'em in there! Best of luck to you and your new product.

09-20-2011, 05:04 PM
First off I think its an idea that has a lot of potential. I personally use a free texting app for my iphone right now. Since I text all the time and am too cheap to pay for unlimitied texting. The app I have now runs ads across the top of the screen. I do not find it annoying at all and think I would actually prefer your marketing idea that will send me coupons to use rather than just bothering me with advertising. My particular app was free but have seen some like this where you have to buy the app so I am not sure why you would need to PAY the app users. After all they are getting free texting right?

I also think your web site is wonderfully designed.

09-23-2011, 12:54 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the great input.

@Websonalized the main reason why people would use PsBTW (or at least drawn to check it out at first) is the ability to be paid to text.

Then, other reasons would be the app is more stylish and in our opinion has a better UI than the built in app.

Then as people use the app, we're looking for them to start liking the coupon offers which are also "flash offers" expiring within 24 hrs or less. And unlike Groupon you don't buy the offer right there, you use it at the store or on the web if and when you purchase at the merchant. Also being able to use PsBTW as a fundraiser we think might gain some traction.

The beta version uses the same SMS/MMS as the built in app, but the full release will be able to use the web to send messages allowing people to send "free" sms instead of going through the carrier networks.

@billbenson Yes, as others have mentioned the offers are on incoming only, so we avoid the whole broken model of spamming friends.

@Limekwat Thanks for catching the grammar error, it happens, especially with a newly launched site. Let me know if you catch any more :). It has been corrected.

We may drop the signature added to outgoing texts for pro uses if there is substaintial opposition. It's very understandable. We may also end up keeping the advertiser rate free to deliver offers to PsBTW Lite Users (less targeted users, only targeted by area code). Then charge advertisers only for offers going to highly targeted Pro users. So advertisers always have a free option then can upgrade to more targeted deliveries if they want.

The reason we specify Pro users must click and view the coupon to be paid is we must strike a balance for our advertisers. Few are willing to pay for impressions only. So at least we guarantee them the user viewed the coupon, which we feel is a good balance. Also the PPC rate of $0.10 is alot better than that same rate only for impression.

We curently have a lot of local advertiser's offers in the system, but are looking for more web based businesses to come create offers (it's free). Offers for web busineses can be delivered to users nationwide. We are thinking the travel industry and those businesses targeting young affulents would probably work out best.