View Full Version : Happy Customers Means More Money for You

09-20-2011, 03:08 PM
Just came across this article on customer satisfaction (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/customer-satisfaction-with-personal-computers-appliances-and-electronics-hits-a-wall-2011-09-20), specifically with personal computers and electronics. It talks about how Apple has led the industry in customer satisfaction for the last 8 years, but that's not why I'm mentioning it.

I was struck by this one sentence in the article

In the eight years that Apple has led the PC industry in customer satisfaction, its stock price has increased by 2,300%

There's certainly more to Apple's rising stock, but still it's hard to ignore the connection. Apple creates happy customers. Those happy customers remain loyal and buy more products. They recommend Apple to friends. The sing Apple's praises to whoever will listen. Happy customers have helped make Apple the most valuable company on the planet.

I don't think the above means you have to live by the maxim that the customer is always right. If you know Apple's history they often make decisions that go against their customer's wishes. Ultimately though they leave them happy.

Something we should all keep in mind.

Dan Furman
09-20-2011, 09:29 PM
Apple also actually does good work. And I'm not an Apple fanboy at all, but I am usually impressed with the quality of almost everything they do.

Apple doesn't cut corners, Apple doesn't try to be the cheapest, Apple doesn't go for the quick buck.

Apple won't put a cheap part in an ipod. If you want an ipod w/ a cheap part (because of price), then you have to buy something else. And Apple is ok w/ that.

09-20-2011, 11:59 PM
All true. And that's why they have happy customers. As someone who owns a number of Apple products I can tell you they pay attention to the details. Two simple examples.

1. The power cord that plugs into their laptops is attached magnetically. If you accidentally trip over it (which most laptop owners do) the cord just pulls out with no damage and your laptop stays right where it is.

2. They don't do this any more, but on my last laptop when you closed the lid to put it to sleep the light on the front would slowly fade in and out to let you know it was asleep The rhythm of the fade in and out was exactly like someone breathing while asleep. It's something so minor and doesn't really make the computer better in any rational sense, but it leaves you with an impression that your computer is better.

Mostly it's obvious they do use the best parts. My laptops feel solid in every way, which is something I can't say about the plastic Dell laptops I had been using for a decade.

Again I didn't start this thread to say Apple is great and everyone else sucks. I'm hoping people will understand the connection between using the better part or doing that little bit extra work even when it's not required. Those things do turn people into loyal customers who become passionate advocates for your brand.