View Full Version : Preparing a solid business proposal

10-06-2011, 03:00 PM
Hi all,

I recently came across a business idea that I thought could prove fairly lucrative for the amount of work involved. I pitched the idea to my family, with no actual serious intentions of starting the business (I'm only 23 with <$10k in savings), and I was met with surprisingly positive inquiries about it.

My father is a successful businsessman, and I have a few older brothers who are also in the business field and doing well. So, when they actually supported the idea, it got me thinking.

I've been talking it over with my parents, and we agreed that I would probably need around $40-60,000 upfront to sign a lease, renovate the place, be able to pay salaries and start inventory, etc. Since the market is bad and my parents are losing money left and right in the stock market, they're kicking around the idea of loaning me the money as an investment. First, though, they want to see a solid business proposal including exactly how I plan on running the place, expenses, what kind of profit I think I could turn, market analysis, etc.

I keep googling this and coming up shorthanded with very generic templates that aren't telling me much. Can anyone point me to either a write-up or a free template that shows a little more depth to it?

Thanks a lot,


Business Attorney
10-06-2011, 03:16 PM
Most companies don't make their detailed business plans public. As you've found, most templates are really nothing more than outlines. Some stoftware programs (like Business Plan Pro) do seem to offer more detailed generic plans for particular types of businesses, but unless they have more or less exactly your type of business, all the detail doesn't really matter.

Have you tried your local public library or an online bookstore like Amazon? Often there are books on opening a particular of business that would be useful.

You might also try a very specific Google search, if you haven't already. For example, searching for "shoe store business plan" turns up a lot of websites that "business plan", "free business plan" or "business plan template" do not.

Good luck.

Business Attorney
10-06-2011, 04:04 PM

Here is a business plan for a premium winery (http://dyson.cornell.edu/outreach/extensionpdf/2002/Cornell_AEM_eb0207.pdf) from the Cornell University website. Unless you are opening a premium winery, this wouldn't be directly applicable but does show what kind of analysis goes into a well-thought out business plan.

10-06-2011, 05:21 PM
Jeremy, With such a business oriented family, I suspect that your parents and brothers could help you, but it seems likely that they are testing your resolve and your willingness to meet obstacles and overcome them (extremely important business attributes.) This is wonderful on-the-job training.

I suggest you visit Business & Small Business | News, Advice, Strategy | Entrepreneur.com (http://www.entrepreneur.com) and check out their articles and information on business startups and business planning. If you don't actually find a template there, you'll find the information you need to create your own template.

Lucky you, being part of such a family. Be grateful for that!

Good luck - and have fun!

10-06-2011, 07:39 PM
All very helpful, thanks guys!

I have no doubt that my dad could help me write this thing, but like you said, I think he wants to see what kind of effort I'm willing to put into this, and what kind of aptitude I have for pitching such a proposal. I'm very grateful for the opportunity :)

Thanks again