View Full Version : What to print on business checks?

10-10-2011, 04:58 PM
I just opened a business checking account for my newly-formed LLC, and am in the process of designing and printing business checks. I'm the owner of the company and the person authorized to sign the checks. However, I'm not sure if this means that I have to put MY name on the checks, or if just the business name is sufficient. The account was opened in the name of the business, with me as the authorized user.

I called my bank and asked if my name needed to be printed on the checks, and they said no--the choice is entirely up to the business. However, the person I spoke with cautioned me against just using the business name, since "lots of places won't accept it." So...I'm confused. I've done freelance work for a number of different companies, and can't recall ever seeing a business owner's name on the check. But then again, they were mostly larger companies with bank-issued paychecks.

I honestly don't plan on writing too many checks--I'm a service-based business, so no vendors to pay or anything like that. I'll primarily be using them to pay contractors from time to time. Things like phone bills I'll most likely pay online, but I could occasionally need to write a check for a bill or other miscellaneous expense.

I'm a small business and want to appear as professional as possible, and not look as though I'm writing a personal check. My preference would be just to include the name and contact info for the business, but I don't want to spend money on printing and then find out that the checks aren't widely accepted.

Any input on which is better?

Business Attorney
10-10-2011, 06:14 PM
I can't ever recall having seen the owner's name printed on a business check when the business is operated under a business name. That applies whether it is a corporation or an LLC and even when it is a sole proprietorship operating under an assumed name that has been properly registered under state law.

Also, I can't imagine someone not accepting payment from a business just because the owner's name is not printed on the check.

I would leave it off.

10-10-2011, 07:41 PM
Why not put both?

10-11-2011, 01:46 AM
That's a depends thing. When someone calls me and asks my position I say manager. I don't say owner - seems a bit arrogant. No reason you can't have both printed up, but the only place I can see a requirement for your name is if you are writing a check to retail. B2B will accept business checks.

Business Attorney
10-11-2011, 02:09 AM
.... the only place I can see a requirement for your name is if you are writing a check to retail....

I guess it depends on the retail. I've never had an Office Depot or Staples store think twice about taking a business check. I think retailers that are used to selling to businesses are probably closer to the B2B category. I would bet the same is true of places like Home Depot that sell to contractors.

I remember when I was in high school and working at a Dairy Queen I would occasionally have to run to the local grocery store if we ran out of some item between deliveries from our food service vendor, and I often was sent with a store check that had no personal names on it.

I suppose if you were buying something from a jewelry store or a Victoria's Secret, a business check might draw more attention. Never tried that.

Steve B
10-11-2011, 06:38 AM
I don't have my name on my business checks. It's always a good idea to protect your LLC by keeping a clear line between your business activities and your personal activities. You don't want to create proof that people were really dealing with you as an individual versus dealing with the LLC.

10-11-2011, 07:47 AM
Thanks everyone. My initial plan was to only put the name of the business on the checks, but I got worried when the bank warned me about checks without a person's name not being widely accepted.

I don't think I'll be writing checks to retail establishments. Since my business is service-based, the amounts of supplies that I'll need are pretty small--paper, printer cartridges, etc. As I said, the checks will mostly be used for paying any contractors I may use, and possibly paying the occasional phone or insurance bill. That's about it.

I think I'll go with no name, and I can always get another set printed if it becomes an issue. I want to keep the LLC as separate as possible, so I really don't like the idea of using my name on there if I don't have to.

10-11-2011, 09:53 AM
Staples, USPS, and many more retailers never refused my business checks.

10-15-2011, 08:53 AM
Business name and information only for the reason Steve B mentioned, you don't want to ensure that there is a clear line between your business and personal finances. Putting your name on the check can cause confusion on this line and expose you personally for any financial liability

02-09-2012, 02:58 PM
There is no need to put your personal name on business checks, for once since you are an authorized user even if some one should make out the check to your personal name the bank will accept it with no issues and second you should not mix your personal finance and your business finance

10-16-2012, 05:35 PM
I think the most important thing to do is have your business name and address on the check. Not only does it identify it's from your company, it can also advertise your business too. For the business owner name, it depends on you if you value it more or less. From the sound of it, it doesn't seem like it matters as long as the business address is on the check.