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11-22-2011, 10:30 PM
My name is Glen, early 50's. Currently in Eastern Montana. Moved here 10 years ago into the gas station and towing/wrecker business. Now running the gas station with 14 wreckers and road service trucks including Haz Mat Spill cleanup. Our area is in the middle of a full fledged oil field boom in Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota, if you did not know. Hundreds of thousands of new jobs and high pay, people moving from all parts of the country. I just put my business up for sale, which owns 6 acres adjacent to the interstate with several buildings on it. Built the place up from just a gas station with no other real purpose when I bought it back in 2001. I dealt with a mid sized local bank during the past 10 years which allowed me to grow and finance what I needed to expand with. It wasn't an easy road and I must give credit to a great bank president that is atuned to business and what it needs to operate. The answer was not always yes, but I got almost all the loans and credit lines I needed to survive through PG'ing everything and cross collateralizing my paid for house to obtain the business credit lines.

Moving to South Florida to start a used car lot with the Buy Here Pay Here model which I believe will thrieve in today's super tight credit atmosphere amongst banks and lenders. I have a terrific amount of business experience consisting of previous buisnesses in NY/NJ in the adult field, restaurant, real estate brokerage, property management, and repossession service business.

100 to 120 plus hours a week, week in and week out are pretty common. I laugh when I read some of the posts about building a web site and all the money will come pouring in. LOL. I wish I got paid $15.00 an hour since day one, or at least what my employees get. But in the real world, it just doesn't work that way. With the oil field boom I guess the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow will be when I sell the place, the trucks and all my inventory. Hard work and lots of it, does pay off.

I frequent Vegas, Atlantic City and of course South Florida. Members of my family and as well my daughter, are employed and involved in the casino industry. I have been a Baccarat player for years and enjoy long term relationships with numerous friends, meeting and playing in Vegas, as well as my casino hosts who I have known for many many years. My past time from the northeast, before moving to Montana, was boating--which I look forward to enjoying once again in Florida.

11-22-2011, 11:37 PM
Welcome to the forum Glenn and thanks for the detailed introduction. Sounds like you'll have a lot to contribute and I look forward to getting to know you better.

Thanks for joining the community.

11-23-2011, 09:03 AM
I have dealt with national corporations in the brick and mortar world as far as paymens, EFT, Credit Card, wires. Amounts from a few hundred to $20K plus. I have years of experience with 2 of the largest CC processors including Card Service International. Lots of experiences with charge backs and credit card rules and regs. Experience with banks, short terms notes, cross collateral, equipment loans, bridge loans.

I hate to say but I am the survivor of a State Attorney General Consumer Protection Act that lasted almost 2 years against me, cost me $270,000.00 in attorney fees and wound up settleing it for $24,000.00. It stemmed from 2 consumer complaints when I had zero adjudicated complaints, etc., I just wasn't in the click as they say in the rural part of America.

So if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. It's a tough business world out there today as lots of people think of getting whole on a small businesses nickel and dime.

But I refuse to flip burgers.

11-23-2011, 09:48 AM
why florida? let me guess its warm and more fun.....i hear you on the hard work....
i would like to hear stories from you on how you delegate in your business....

11-23-2011, 10:09 AM
I grew up down there. My daughter is there and corp. exec. at the biggest casino gaming company in Florida. Tired of the winters, yes. Real estate is at all time low and deals are in favor of the buyers. The homes on the water can be had for 1/3 or less of what they went for. Lots of shorts available. Commerical property on the main drags readily available, favorable leases and prices.

Yes, Vegas, South Florida and Southern Calif., is hurting, but hell, I aint opening no construction business, wine/cigar bar or luxury retailer.

11-23-2011, 11:06 AM
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you'll have a lot of experience to share.

Business Attorney
11-23-2011, 11:19 AM
Glen, welcome to our group and for the extensive discussion of your background. Knowing where someone is coming from often helps me to understand their comments in the forum.

11-23-2011, 11:58 AM
Welcome aboard, Glen. That is a lot of information shared and you have some great experience to share here. It looks like you will both give and receive in this community, so I trust you'll find this a great resource to keep coming back to.