View Full Version : stat counter...

11-27-2011, 09:07 AM
i have us on statcounter....and when i look to see where the hits to our website are coming from there is no facebok.... thats impossible...so where are those hits? there is alink on our facebook to our site...

11-27-2011, 01:09 PM
Look at the time frame, If the time frame is limited it is possible that no traffic is coming from facebook. Also look to see if the facebook traffic is hid under something else. Last, goto your facebook page and click over. See of the click was counted.

11-29-2011, 06:50 PM
Why are you not using Google Analytics?

Regarding your question, your FaceBook visitors may not be going to your page and clicking on the link (They may be using a bookmark instead) OR
The browsers may not be sending the referring URL (This is how the analytic applications see where you came from)

11-29-2011, 07:59 PM
thanks..... i did see a very few facebok links , after looking deeper...they didnt seem to be grouped together at the top of the hit list..... like a few of the places that i get lots of hits from..... that might have been the reason too.... .... its suprising that there arent more but your reasons sound likely..... i havent used google analytics very well yet....
facebook is so special, so much its own world, maybe they jsut dont need the website.... they can see lots of pictures of the store on my page , and directions and time, etc etc....

Reflo Ltd
11-30-2011, 05:38 PM
Are you running a Facebook ad? If so, does it link directly to your site or to your FB page?

11-30-2011, 06:22 PM
no im not running any ads now....i think we had them link to the facebook page....not sure tho...we dont run ads very often...
a big differencei see is that the facebook hits are not grouped together like all the hits from one industry forum site are..... that may have warped my view...