View Full Version : Greetings, Fellow Business-People!

12-20-2011, 09:59 PM
My name is Steve Martin (yes, I've heard all the jokes before and no, it doesn't bother me). Like everyone else, I wanted to introduce myself and my experiences.

Sixteen years of my adult life was spent teaching aviation physiology to fighter aircrew in the military, and the civilian version of that discipline at the University of North Dakota Aerospace Foundation. Following that, I've spent sixteen years running various business units of a fairly large automotive dealership group in the Minneapolis metro area.

About four years ago, I convinced my wife to allow us to purchase a gas station and convenience store with two car washes, with the plan for me to run it. Things didn't work out that way, and now she runs the store, and I still work in the auto industry with me helping out in my spare time and advising her on issues. Along the way in the development of our business, my wife kept asking where she could find information on this, that, or the next thing, so I started collecting resources for her to use for the business.

The teacher in me kicked in somewhat, and I thought if she liked and used the resources I was collecting, then maybe other small business owners may like the same type of resource center - a place they could go to find all the various things a business owner would like to know without having to spend hours, days, or weeks looking for information. With that in mind, about two months ago I launched smallbusiness-center.com (http://http://smallbusiness-center.com/) (along with two other websites), which includes categories featuring resources and information on financing, insurances, legal/HR, marketing, security, equipment and suppliers. When we started our business, I wish I would've had someplace to go like this, and that's what prompts my decisions about what I post and which vendors I include. It's pretty cool, so check it out it you have a few minutes!

Anyway, I'm here to learn from you, and hopefully add some reasonably intelligent comments from time-to-time! The thing I like about this forum is it's what I've been searching for with small business owners - collaboration among owners with the ability to air out difficulties & issues, and come with solutions among ourselves! I haven't seen enough of that, and I'm really looking forward to contributing!

Thanks, and I'll see you around!

12-20-2011, 11:51 PM
Welcome to the forum Steve. I won't make any jokes. In fact I'll only congratulate you on having a great name. If you haven't noticed we have a lot of Steves here.

Thanks for the detailed intro. It's always nice to get to know people's stories. Your business may not have formed according to plan, but you saw the opportunity and took advantage of it. I think you're right that others will find your resources valuable. I can honestly say plenty of people come here asking business questions so there's certainly a market for the information.

Looking forward to getting to know you better and thanks for joining the community.

12-21-2011, 12:16 PM
Welcome to the forum Steve. Sounds like you're putting a nice resource out there for business owners.

12-22-2011, 05:31 PM
Yes, another Steve. Ironically, I once worked at a place where one of the crew leaders also had the name Steve Martin. Welcome aboard, it looks like you'll fit in well here, and we look forward to having you join in on some of the discussions.