View Full Version : marketing help for a womens only gym

01-19-2012, 09:43 AM
Hi all
I'm after some help if possible... we have just taken over a womens only gym in the midlands (UK) a few months ago. The place has been ticking over but not many people are aware the place is even here, the last owner didn't invest in any advertising or promotions. We have around 170 members but need to hit 250/275 members to start making some money and start paying the investment back.
The gym is based on a 30 minute circuit workout but we have just invested in some Life Fitness treadmills, X trainer, rower etc. We also have a studio upstairs where we do classes such as zumba, yoga, boxercise, pilates etc. This is not a posers gym, its for all ages and there is a really good social vibe going on here, a lot of the members stay on after a workout for a coffee and a chat. We feel we offer a lot for only £30 per month.
I have done the new website myself (still needs a few bits doing to it but its 90% there), I have an A board outside on the road and a banner on the opposite side where the nice lady who lives there let me put it on the outside of her fencing! We also have quarter page ads running in the local weekly paper for January
What I'm looking for is some really good marketing ideas to get people though the door which don't cost a lot to do as we are on a really tight budget. All post will be massively appreciated!!!!

kind regards to you all

01-19-2012, 01:13 PM
What about a referral program of some kind of people who already are members. Maybe a percentage off their next month's membership fee if they get someone else to join for a certain number of months?

01-19-2012, 02:02 PM
Your gym sounds similar to the "Curves" gyms here in the US. My wife was a member of a Curves gym for a while but we decided to join a 24 hour gym so that we could go together. As far as advertising goes, what about a mailer to the residents in the town you are in? If it is a big town then maybe just to a certain percentage or perhaps to just the single women in your town. I know there are companies here in the US where we can purchase mailing lists and specify some parameters (single women or a specific age group). I don't have any idea what the cost would be tho on something like that so it may be to expensive. Another thought is to have some brochures printed up and go to your local market to distribute them. Perhaps putting them under the wiper. Thought #3 - Is there a town fair or parade you could help to sponsor or participate in? Again based on the size of your town this could be costly.

01-19-2012, 02:57 PM
Who are the big employers of women within a km of your building? I would run a first month free promotion membership drive for those businesses. The old fashioned "try before you buy". The advantage is you may get groups of women to join that already know each other (which fits with the coffee shop mentality you described) and you know that you are a convenient location for them.

Dove-tailing off of Kristine S, you could also try offering 1 free guest pass a month to each member. That way, if they have a class (Zumba, Pilates, etc...) that they are really enjoying they can bring a friend to try it out. You never know, that person might become their workout buddy, which again fits with the coffee shop vibe.

01-19-2012, 07:11 PM
i dont think newspaper ads are going to work at all for you...they do nothing for me

word of mouth is always best and i agree that you need to start giving a free months membership for any referral....maybe even 2 months free

signs are important ...let people know you exist...they need to see you.......

locally there's a small ice cream shop that opened up....they always cheaped out on signs.....the grand opening wasnt even noticable since it was just a small sign on the front lawn.......you have to spend time looking at the front of the building to even tell what they are selling..finally they got a neon ice cream cone for the front window(1/3RD the size i would have done)............i talk to the owner and he's always struggling.........no one knows he exists and he's in a high traffic area..they drive right by and never notice his business.....i dissagree with every thing he's done with signs....

have a new GRAND OPENING.....put flags and flashing lights out side the business.......make everyone driving by have to notice your there.......dont be like my local ice cream shop and do everything at 1/2 or 1/3rd size....bigger is always better w/ signs.....it almost cant be too bid

Steve B
01-20-2012, 02:22 AM
A new Grand Opening or Under New Management celebration is a great idea. Anything to draw attention to the building for a couple weeks.

My gym offers 1 month free for a referral. Free passes for your current members to pass out is a great idea.

Direct mail will likely be outside of your budget. With our postage rates - it almost cost $1 per house by the time you factor in the printing, envelope, labor, and postage. That doesn't mean it won't work - but it would have to be a great piece and it may take a while to get your money back in monthly dues from the few that might join as a result.

Also - are there local business that you can do some cross promoting with? For instance, you hang one of their posters in the locker room and they do something similar for you.

06-20-2012, 02:48 PM
You could use Meetup, join local organizations, etc to attract new business and network.

06-21-2012, 06:45 AM
Run a competition for a month's free membership and all entrants need to do is recommend 5 friends and answer a simple question. If you run this sort of thing via social media, it will get passed on extremely quickly. Make the competition very simple and easy to enter and it will get the name of your gym out there in no time.

06-21-2012, 03:09 PM
Lots of great ideas here, most of which I was going to express myself.
The top ideas here are definitely
1. First month free promotion membership
2. A new Grand Opening or Under New Management celebration
3. Cross promoting with local business
4. Free guest passes for each member to invite a friend to
5. Brochures at public locations (such a super markets)
6. Facebook! I think Facebook would be a great social media option for you

Best of luck warwick!

07-24-2012, 03:05 PM
There used to be such a gym next to my house in New Zealand, I found the concept quite good. Make sure it's obvious on your marketing material that it's for women only, by using the right colors and fonts, etc..
Maybe tie it with other women activities, so talk to local hairdressers, nail bars and others and see if you can advertise in their shops. Often an A4 ad on their window shop, or some postcards left at the counter work quite well.

Also social media for sure would be a fit for you. Try and make it look real by having some testimonials from your existing clients (make sure you reward them with a month or two for free).

Darren Tan
08-13-2012, 12:40 PM
Dear Warwick,

Before you start thinking about how to promote your gym there's something more impt to think about:

What can your gym provide that other gyms cannot?

Take car grooming as an example - when your car is looking dull and you know in your area there's Car Grooming A, B, C and D but they all look the same to you, and the next thing you'll look at is pricing, which is cheaper right?

But if the situation is like the below:

Car Grooming A - cheapest in town guaranteed or it's free
Car Grooming B - shine last 24 months with warranty
Car Grooming C - get your car back within 45 mins
Car Grooming D - free car wash for 3 months

Now you have options, and you will choose based on your situation. Everyone has their own market and type of clients. Complaints are lesser. More happy clients.

So the answer is create your USP (unique selling position):

- talk to your best clients and find out why they give you so much business for so long
- act like a prospect and call up your top 3 competitors and find out what they have and what they are lacking
- if you have staff, talk to your staff
- once you determine your USP - Live It, Breathe It, Shout It Out Loud in all communication to your clients be it in human form, print form and whatever form you can think of

USP is not your branding, it is not permanent, it changes as market changes.

3 Rules of Marketing

1. Increase the number of new clients
2. Increase the number of times they come back
3. Increase the average transaction value every time they come back

Most businesses really only focus on 1 way to grow their businesses, that is finding new clients, some get back, some failed. If you build your business using all 3 ways then you will be way ahead of all your competitors.

Think about it this way, you already have a current database of 170 members - can you work with existing women's only spa, restaurants? They are not your competitors and they compliment your business. Set up a special deal with them so that you get a cut of their revenue when you send clients their way and it's going to be vice versa. List down all businesses that compliment your business, look for businesses that are already serving your market, set up a special deal to tap on their client base to get you new clients, you give them a cut when their clients chose to sign up with you.


Please track all your advertisements, especially your newspaper ads. Ask your visitors how did they get to know your gym, you need to know what marketing channel is working and what is not so that you can control your marketing budget.


08-16-2012, 11:09 AM
i dont think newspaper ads are going to work at all for you...they do nothing for me

word of mouth is always best and i agree that you need to start giving a free months membership for any referral....

I couldn't agree more with this sentiment. In fact, it seems you have quite a story to tell. If you implement some of the measures mentioned above and below, then tell your story to media, you could find free promotion through a newspaper article. There's a better chance your target audience will see it then. Also if there are blogs covering your area or fitness that you know your clientele reads, then you should also look to tell your company story or offer advice to those bloggers. Free word-of-mouth marketing would have much better impact, and save you some money.

Good luck!

<please set up a signature through Settings>

08-20-2012, 10:56 AM
I agree with what others have already said. Make a big song and dance about the fact that the gym is under new management, host an event, have give aways, promotions, offers, everything. Piggy back on the fact that it is Summer and bikini season in all your marketing efforts.

Social media is great for businesses like yours and really helps spread the word. Perhaps set up one of those Facebook offers that people can claim?

Invest in a small amount of PPC (paid search, Google Adwords). It shouldn't be too pricey as your keywords will be localised.