View Full Version : About online Ads with small budget

03-09-2012, 05:53 AM
Yesterday, I found a website which is selling ads on an online advertising site.
It seems that an ad will be display 700,000 time per month,and the price is very low, 30 USD. So I purchased it.
But :(,
the ad have been display 16,570 times by now,but just 3 clicks (the first click is by myself for testing).
Who can tell me is that a general rate or a abnormal rate?
And if there is some tips about getting clients online with a very small budget?


03-09-2012, 11:36 AM
A lot depends on to whom the ad is being displayed. You can show the ad a million times but if it's not to the right audience, you're really accomplishing nothing. You need to know where your customers go online and then make sure your advertising is seen in those places.

Also, it could be the ad or the site to which it leads. You can have the best ad in the world but, again, it will do you no good if it leads to a site that doesn't convert. Conversion means turning visitors into buyers. Your site has to sell your product well and be able to convince those that visit that you have what they want and they should buy from you. So that's another thing to consider.

The ad could be another issue. If it isn't appealing, or doesn't have a good call to action then that could explain why you're not getting many clicks.

My guess, based on what you've told us, would be that it's where the ads are being displayed. I can't even fathom how they're displaying 700,000 times per month and charging that low cost.

In answer to the question of a general click through rate on online ads, 1 to 2 percent is considered pretty good and 5 percent is considered stellar for most industries. It does vary some by industry or interest group, and targeted ads should perform higher.

Hopefully this helps.

03-09-2012, 11:55 AM
Likely the rate is appropriate. You're selling a niche product, and the rate you're quoting is probably for general impressions. So your ad is likely being served to people looking for recipes, gardening tips, product reviews and everything else under the sun. So, it will just be random chance when you get to the customer for your product. Right now, your rate is $0.35/click, which is probably lower than what you would pay for targeted advertising. I would caution you though, at a rate that low people could be accidentally clicking on your ad as opposed to intentionally clicking. I also feel you may be a little too concerned with cost per click. What you really need to be concerned with it advertising cost per order. Targeted advertising through something like Google AdWords may cost more per click, but it may take fewer clicks to get a customer.

On a separate note, Could we see a sample of your ad? There could be simple things you can do to it to increase conversion. One thing I noticed when I went to your site was that you have quite a few grammar errors, so it's possible you have the same problem with your ad. My guess is, based on a couple of the errors, English is not your native language. You may want to have a native speaker read all your copy to catch some of the more obvious mistakes. For example: "In very mature markets, under incredible competitive pressures, where it is hard to tell one product or service from another." is not a complete sentence.

03-09-2012, 09:15 PM
Thanks so much,it really helps for me.

Russ in Vancouver
03-09-2012, 11:33 PM
Pretty cool site :)
check out groupprice.com it is a web service for businesses like yours to advertise to thousands of other businesses, similar to groupon.