View Full Version : Newsletter content

04-17-2012, 02:00 PM
Hi all,

I am a freelance web programmer / consultant, and have been doing this for about 8 years.

One thing I've never done, or stuck with anyway, is sending a regular "newsletter" to my clients. I've tried a few times, but always struggled to put together good content, and it died off.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good company that will "manage" my newsletter - meaning that they put together relevant content for me to send out to my clients?

My accountant has a service that sends out monthly newsletters - has articles relevant to small businesses and taxes, etc. That's kind of what I'm looking for, but articles of general interest to website owners.

Has anyone used or heard of something like this?


Business Attorney
04-18-2012, 12:02 AM
There are companies that prepare "canned" newsletters for lawyers, dentists and realtors, too, but I've never run into one that does it for website consultants. Maybe someone will read your question and create a business!

04-18-2012, 11:03 AM
You could try using a guest blogging service to get articles and then put them in a newsletter instead of a blog. I'm not sure how the guest bloggers would feel about that, but if you still provide a link for their site they might go for it.

04-20-2012, 08:38 AM
The company I worked for before I started my own business, hired a Social Media Marketing firm called Growth Weaver to do, among other things, my company's newsletter. You might try to find a local social media marketing company near you. Try searching Google Local.

05-07-2012, 10:32 AM
Try looking at elance.com or posting an ad for one there. Lots of professionals there who could do what you're asking.

05-07-2012, 12:18 PM
I'm sure there are people who could do what you want out there, I guess my question would be why? Or maybe I'm just not understanding what you're looking for and why you want it. If the goal is to update new and prospective customers on new happenings with your business and to steer them to new product offerings, a canned newsletter won't necessarily do those things. If the goal is just to stay in touch and let people know you're out there, an e-mail once a month, to addresses that have opted in of course, could do the same thing.

I'm never in favor of cookie cutter marketing. If you're looking for a service where they'll just drop you logo and info into a premade newsletter template, I think there are better ways you can spend your money. Just my opinion of course.

05-07-2012, 12:29 PM
I agree with Kristine on not using canned material. I use to work for a CPA firm that sent out newsletters like that. After a few years, they decided it was costing more than they were getting in return and stopped sending them. Something personal would be much better. But, on that note, I also know how hard it is to think up topics, or find the time to write. I am not a writer, so it takes me a long time to write a blog. I usually get ideas from questions people are asking on different forums. I just expand on the question in my blog. But, I do research on the topic first, then if it is about how to do something, in QuickBooks for instance, then I will test what I am instructing in a sample file first. Sometimes I will even add screen shots, but I have such a hard time getting them to look good (not sure why), that I don't use them often.

I've never gone the guest blogger route, although one time I was asked to be a guest blogger. I might try that since I'm behind in blogging.