View Full Version : build up your Angies list reviews for free

04-20-2012, 08:01 PM
I just talked with Angies list today and they want me to advertise with them (for $150 a month of course)

problem is i only have 3 reviews and one is bad (a weird situation)....im trying to get the weirdo wiped off my record, but then im down to 2 reviews

i found out i can hand out review forms to any customer (member or not) and if they get sent in i can build up my rating and reviews

the form is available on their contractor website and is free postage

i have builders who get tons of jobs from Angies list.....but then i have an electrician friend who complains only cheap people shop Angies list

04-23-2012, 12:29 PM
Good idea. With every review site it's a good idea to make it easier for your customers to write a review. This shouldn't just be limited to Angie's List. Ask customers to review you on Yelp and Google Places and any other review site you think your customers might use.

Good to know people don't need to be members on Angie's List to review you too. That definitely helps remove the barrier to getting them to review you.

I wouldn't worry too much about the one negative review either. When someone only has glowing reviews it can seem a little unnatural. Better is to get as many positive reviews as you can. If people see dozens of positive reviews and one negative review, the negative review isn't going to carry much weight. I think most people are aware that some people will complain even when there's no reason to. One negative review next to a lot more positive reviews usually says more about the one negative reviewer than the company being reviewed.

04-23-2012, 05:32 PM
I thought the draw to Angie's list was that you couldn't pay to advertise there to prevent the perception of bias.

04-23-2012, 06:06 PM
Out of curiosity, Huggy, do use craigslist?

04-23-2012, 07:54 PM
ive tried Craigs list with HORRIBLE experiences....ive listed 'specials' like 'Basement bathroom plumbing for $3,000 including all Kohler Fixtures'...only to get people asking if the $3,000 includes the electrical,drywall, tile, cabinets,etc.....i told them the total costs would be $10,000 for a complete bath and thats if the plumbing is already roughed under the floor..

Craigs list people are looking for a deal....not a normal price....Craigs list is for Side Jobbers...they offer the lowest grade of customer looking to pay 1/4th the price

i use Craigs list all the time to sell things....i sold a shower door i was stuck with...it was brand new and i sold it for 1/2 what i paid...sold it quickly.....sold my old work van in 4 days...i gave a great no-haggle price to move it out of my driveway in a week....

if you want full price for anything Craigs list isnt going to work....if its not 1/2 price you have no chance from my experience...

You get on Angies List for free...if you have 1 review your going to be # 100 or worse...no one will find you....you need to build up your referrals to 100-200 to be on the top of the list......if you want to get ABOVE the top guys you have to PAY $150-$1000 a month....and they Call and they Call....and they Call....they call me every 3-4 months...and its been for years....they are very AGGRESSIVE...ive turned them down due to the large cost....they also only have 1 year contracts...so if you dont get a call from it you cant cancel for a year...your stuck paying $150-$1000 for nothing....its a scam and a huge $$ for poor little Angie

Steve B
10-07-2012, 11:25 AM
HT - can you give me an update on your experience with Angie's list? I've never registered - but, had four great reviews that I didn't even know about. I started getting a couple calls from it recently and was thinking about trying to get more reviews from my customers. I figure I need to try to get more reviews - so, if I ever get a bad one that it will be surrounded by a lot of great ones.

I will never advertise with them, since that takes away all their credibiliby in my opinion.

Harold Mansfield
10-07-2012, 11:29 AM
I never quite understood Angie's List. Is the only way people can leave a review by literally writing them on paper and mailing or faxing them in?

Steve B
10-07-2012, 11:51 AM
I'm sure the majority of them do it on-line. What gave you the idea it was done manually?

Harold Mansfield
10-07-2012, 11:58 AM
I'm sure the majority of them do it on-line. What gave you the idea it was done manually?
Probably because I didn't read it through and the only thing I saw on the website was about giving your customers a form to submit. Even on the page , they clearly show a form. If that's not the only option, they are definitely giving the impression that it is.

10-07-2012, 12:53 PM
there is a website for businesses and angies list...its where you create your profile and can answer back to neg. reviews....

its called business.angieslist.com

go there and sign up...i found out about it from a salesman who called me for it....

getting reviews are free, but unless you have 100's of reviews already your stuck at the bottom of the list with FOUR...you PAY angies list to get AHEAD of the normal guys on the list...its like an advertisement

flaws w/ angies list

1. a neg review is impossible to get rid of....even if the customer is unreasonable...they dont have an arbitrator who will pick sides
2. if you havent been on angies list for 10 years w/ 100's of reviews your stuck at the bottom forever...(unless you pay)
3. they want to charge me $400+ a month to get at the top'
4. they push coupons to get customers....they are all about FRUGAL....most(not all) of their customers are cheap
5. lots of price shoppers (my electrician friend uses them and complains about all the price shoppers)

i have ONE builder who is almost exclusively Angies list....and he is having issues getting quality customers....he doesnt make much profit and cant get out of the Frugal customer base...

angies list offers a piece of paper that can be mailed to them w/ a review....most of their customers dont write reviews...i think they admit to 1 in 4 actually give a review....to raise that rate they push contractors to hand out the paper work in hopes they will mail it in

i was told that you dont have to be a member of angies list to give a written review....a customer of mine sent one in and it never counted....ive heard conflicting stuff over whether it counts or not...from my experience it does not count unless they are a member

if your a cheap/frugal person who wants to hire someone with 100's of reviews its a great place....if your a contractor its not so good unless you work for peanuts and like fussy customers....a neg review will hurt you badly....so you have to go out of your way to make sure the job gets good reviews...its kinda a trap in my opinion...it gives the customer too much power and this type of system attracts 'problem' type customers...

angies list calls me almost weekly....extremely annoying....i havent given them any interest in over 2 years....yet they keep calling....i hang up on them...they call me back 1 min later and ask 'why'

im not a angies list fan...i think its bad for contractors because it gives a problem customer too much power

i got 1 bad review and 3 'perfect' reviews....the bad reviewer didnt even state the reason for the bad review....i cant get it eliminated and think the customer may even be mixing me up with a different contractor...the review was written over a year after the job was completed....and now im stuck with a mediocre rating that i cant get rid of....ive tried over and over w/ angies list to get a solution or arbitration with the homeowner...they dont do anything for me...its not like the BBB where after a few years its taken off your rating...with Angies list its there forever

Steve B
10-07-2012, 01:18 PM
That's pretty much how I see it - but, there is a big exception for my business. I only have 4 competitors in my area - so I'll never be that far on the bottom. They call me weekly also and won't take no for an answer. I hate the fact that a business is going to be on their list whether they want to be or not.

Why don't you try to get 8 or 10 of your customers to write a (presumably positive) review and help wash out the negativity for the one bad one that you got? You may still be at the bottom, but at least it will be more balanced.

I see the BBB as the opposite of Angie's list. It puts all the power in the hands of the contractor. They have no motivation to give a member a bad review since they rely on the members annual membership for their profit. What contractor is going to keep paying them if they have bad reviews? I know a contractor that is generally hated by a very large portion of their customers - yet they always have a top rating on the BBB.

10-07-2012, 03:30 PM
id like to get 8-10 more positive reviews, but i really dont get any direct jobs from angies list

1 remodeler of mine does tons of work from them and they get reviewed often, but the customer never goes to the subcontractor level....they dont spend the time giving 10 reviews to cover each trade....one did once

i always ask how a customer finds me, so i know i get nothing from angies list.

when only 1 out of 4 actually gives a review it means id have to work for 40 more angies list customers to get 10 reviews...

Steve B.
for you its worth it right now....get on their website and make your custom page.....for me i have 100+ plumbing companies ahead of me...they will never find me

the BBB does nothing...they arent neg or pos....all they do is relay a letter back and forth....no input, no anything......if they dont hear from 1 side or the other they assume its been fixed(even though its most likely not)......you cant erase a neg review on either...even if its not justified...

my BBB bad review came from a lady that wanted me to repipe her whole house for free .....she was a scammer and now ive been stuck with a A- rating instead of a A+ rating for 3 years because of it......they need arbitrators who can throw some complaints out when they are unreasonable, but they'd rather just keep collecting $400 from me per year to be a member and do nothing for it.....i AM a member of the BBB, but just to have it on my card....i think they are a scam, but in a % of the populations mind seeing BBB on my business card makes them choose me....it makes you a legitimate company...

Steve B
10-07-2012, 07:48 PM
I finally set up my free profile today - so, I'm sure they're start bugging my 2 times a week now to advertise.

I sent an e-mail to my customers asking them to consider writing a review. Two of them already did, but they were not Angie's List members. The words they wrote are posted, but they didn't get to contribute to my "rating". Here is the FAQ from Angie's List on that topic:

Anyone can submit a review to Angie's List on the service providers they've interacted with. When non-member reviews are displayed on the website, though, only the comments and description of work fields will be visible. Grades will not appear with these comments, nor will they be factored into your company's ratings. However, should the person who submitted the review ever join our service, their feedback will be converted into a member review and be factored into your ratings.

You can print out free copies of our review form to hand out to non-members which can be mailed in. Note that our Data Department usually runs a couple weeks out in entering mailed-in reviews, so these may take a little longer to post.

Non-members can also review at the following link:

Angie's List has reviews on plumbers, roofers, movers, doctors | Submit reviews | Angies List (http://www.angieslist.com/review/)

Also, if a non-member review is showing as "unverified" on your Business Center profile, this means Angie's List did not receive a response to the confirmation email sent out when entering the review.

10-07-2012, 10:18 PM
good luck with it....let me know if you find the quality of customer better than what others have told me

my electrician friend says he gets calls asking how much per hour and that if he's $1 more they will pick the other guy...he says the customers waste more of his time than the jobs he gets from them is worth

Steve B
10-08-2012, 06:40 AM
I hope the clients are better than that. I wouldn't see why they would be so fixated on price because the point of Angie's List is to find a contractor you can "trust". I got 5 new reviews yesterday as a result of my e-mail. The problem was they were all from non Angie's List members so they don't count in the ratings.

I saw Angie on a commercial yesterday saying you can trust their ratings because advertisors don't pay to be on her list. What a bunch of crap ... she should be a politician.

I can't imagine how much they have spent in the last few months. They're on TV everywhere and they seem to be calling every service business owner at least once a week.

10-08-2012, 04:46 PM
angies list is HUGE on COUPONS...its their way to get customers a discount to recoup their Angies list Cost

you will get some high end customers who want the job done right.....but many are anal people who want a low price.....Angies list rates your cost....if there are only 4 fence guys and they all have A or B under cost and you are C or D for being over priced how many calls are you going to get?

i only know 2 guys who are big on angies list and both complain about cheap customers

good job getting the new reviews.....too bad it doesnt help you as much as it should

10-08-2012, 10:26 PM
I purposely stay away from places like Angieslist. Too many people on there think that they are sent from heaven to bless you with a positive review and that you had better dance when they want you to dance lest they send you to hell and damn you with a negative review, lol. In other words, the customers there will hold reviews over your head and try to extort you with them. I've read too many stories in the businesses that I'm in, and I don't need that drama. I get people knocking down my door to work with us, so we avoid it like the plague. Since AL has rolled out different coupon programs and such, apparently now people want a deal, want you to go above and beyond, and all so that they can bless you with a positive review. No thanks.

10-09-2012, 08:38 AM
I purposely stay away from places like Angieslist. Too many people on there think that they are sent from heaven to bless you with a positive review and that you had better dance when they want you to dance lest they send you to hell and damn you with a negative review, lol. In other words, the customers there will hold reviews over your head and try to extort you with them. I've read too many stories in the businesses that I'm in, and I don't need that drama. I get people knocking down my door to work with us, so we avoid it like the plague. Since AL has rolled out different coupon programs and such, apparently now people want a deal, want you to go above and beyond, and all so that they can bless you with a positive review. No thanks.

exactly...the only thing to add is that services like angies list attract problem type customers...fussy/engineer types

10-14-2012, 09:49 AM
I have years of experience with Angie's List as a local plumber in Seattle. They have gotten money out of me and gave nothing in return except much trouble from customers that tend to be pretty passive aggressive. Angie's List get paid on both ends - Any contractor listing you see is only visible to you if the contractor is paying Angie's List through the nose. My cost for Angie's List "hot leads" was $300 each. Testing Angie's List cost me $7000 over two years. While paying such high costs for leads may work for a major construction project , it won't work for a service call where we charge by the 1/4 hour.

Google clicks have gotten as high as $38 per click here in Seattle when the search term used is "plumber" or "plumbing". On the average it takes 15 clicks to get a call. Do the math on the cost to the guy ringing your doorbell.

Angie's List cost per job performed was 75% of my company's average invoice total (about $400). My company does over a thousand jobs a year.

Any homeowner service using this advertising method is paying way too much to maintain any integrity in the service. This type of advertising creating an incredible amount of pressure to convert to a commission-based high profit business model for basic traditional services. If I pay Angies List hundreds of dollars just to ring your doorbell how can I treat you fairly when your plumbing problem requires an hours work? I can't so I cancelled my advertising contract with Angies List.

Angie's List uses a unique money making model that actually is a kind of pyramid scheme. They put all the local harvested contractors into their listings but you only will call highly rated ones. In order to be highly rated you must pay Angie Thousands of dollars a year for position in order to be seen AND time in grade is required to accumulate favorable reviews. Only a dozen or so can be in that position. The homeowner only calls the ones at the top so all new advertisers must invest thousands on continuing annual contracts to play the game on Angie's List.

My solution was to put up a free local business directory with the policy of no shills, no fake listings, no paid advertising just so my neighbors and the local small businesses here in Seattle could find each other. It may take a while for the new directory to get any real traffic as it is dependent upon local participation by local businesses and consumers.

In my opinion, it is time for both local business and consumers to get control over how we find our services and customers as the marketers are hijacking the business to consumer relationship and forcing costs so high that nobody can bear the costs.

Question: Why should we need out-of-state corporations to connect homeowners to services down the street? Surely there is a simple, inexpensive way for us to know our neighbors and small businesses. We all need to put a little thought and effort in that direction.

10-14-2012, 07:49 PM
if you were the first plumber to be on angies list 10-15 years ago and did a good job your set for life....your at the top for free w/ 100's of reviews

if your like me who started in business 5 years ago then your last on the list with 50 companies ahead of you...the only way to be seen is to pay $500 a month...

even the people on their commercials seem like @holes....real uptight acting....they advertise to the problem customer

im sure there are great customers there....rich with no time to spend researching.....but i think its few and far between....

angies list is a scam for businesses....they are smart and its good for the homeowner....

next time they call me im going to ask to be off their call list

08-27-2013, 10:59 AM
They are going to lock you in a contract i guarantee you will not be happy with and you will want out. Don't set up the contract until you have at least 10 Good Reviews.

Below is my result in starting my account with only 2 reviews.

Angie’s List is the worst rip off on the web to BOTH the consumer and to the service professional. I am a contractor. I signed up with Angie’s list in August of 2012. I started the process to start generating review from customers. Now as you see on TV and as they advertise, the service professionals (the contractors) DO NOT pay to be on Angie’s List. Well yes, that’s true, but what they don’t tell the consumer is the contractor has to pay a lot to be on the first page or two of Angie’s so called LIST. So the TRUTH is, yes the contractor does have to pay if they want to get any calls from Angie’s list.
I started paying Angie’s list in March 2013. And amount of $250 a month. At this point I got myself (2) Review from consumer members of Angie’s List, about my company which were great reviews. Which I had to pay the consumer for them to sign up as a member so they COULD write a review about me.
Now yes there is a way for the non-member consumers to write a review about the contractor. With a Fetch Review form which they mail in. However these reviews are NOT seen by the Angie’s List members directly, so they don’t do any good. I had over 20 customers fill out that fetch review and mail them in. Which were ALL perfect Reviews about my company.
After I started paying the $250 a month, I got put on the first two pages of Angie’s LIST. I got (2) calls in 6 months. My profile page was all set up perfect with everything (pictures, Company info, Discounts, website, etc.) A lot of great reviews, however most the members could not see without going to a different page. I only had (2) Reviews by members that would appear on the profile page.
When I signed up, I was told my account manager would help me manage my profile and help me get the leads from members. I heard from him 3 times 6 months. Each time he told me to go on the website and create a BIG DEAL. Which I attempted to do three times. Each time I would submit the deal to Angie’s List and they said someone would get back to me. NEVER got any response. My deal was NEVER posted to my site. Every time I would talk to them it was the same thing.
I have given them $1,200 in 6 months and they won’t let me cancel without charging a large fee.
The funny thing is, there is NOT a spot on Angie’s List website to write a review about them.
On top of all that there customer service is very poor. They don’t seem to care if you are losing money as long as you keep paying them for something they are not following through on. They assured me setting up this account with them would bring me new leads. However once I signed that contract the nice responsive customer service was GONE. Once they get you under that contract, they don’t card they just want you to pay them.
After 6 months I called to find out what the deal was, I called a left massages for two days. Finally my so called account manager calls me back (Kris Wilmore), and after I argued and explained everything, he seemed to agree. However that was just his way of getting off the phone and passing the problem on to the guy that set me up on the account.
The guy that set me up called me right away. And he agreed with everything I said right away 100%. And told me we would just try to pause the account until I had more reviews, (thinking that would help get the leads). Two day later Kris Wilmore went ahead and processed a cancellation through on my account, charging $423 to my account with NO authorization. This was not discussed with me at all.
Now here is where it gets real interesting. I called several times trying to get ahold of Kris or his boss. Finally is boss (Derek Sheridan) calls me back. This guy does not care as long as he is getting your money one way or another. I tell him he had no authorization to charge my account. His response is…. What Would You Like Me To Do…..? I said refund my money, He said NO.
I asked well what if we keep the account active and just cut down on the coverage area to lower my monthly bill until I build up 10 or 15 reviews, He said… sure you can open “ANOTHER” account and we will set it up that way. But still would NOT refund the $423 they took.

So my Options were…..
1. Leave the account canceled and lose the $423
2. Reactive the account get the $423 back, but keep paying $250 a month.
3. Leave the account canceled and still lose the $423 and open a NEW account and start over with a smaller coverage area to lower my month cost.
If I treated my customers that bad, I Know I would NOT deserve to be in business.

Harold Mansfield
08-27-2013, 11:25 AM
Sounds like a bad experience. Luckily, I haven't had that experience on Angie's List. I don't pay for any preferential listing, have about 5 reviews on there, and get at least one call a week from it. Works just fine for me.

But then again, I'm not a contractor. You gotta know that if you sign up on a site that that advertises reviews for contractors and you are a contractor, that you will be in competition with a lot of other contractors.

It also sounds like you had some realistic expectations, and expected Angie's List to automatically just bring you business. It doesn't work like that no matter what kind of advertising you pay for. You also need to know how to work the marketing channel that you are using. Obviously people have success with Angie's List, so what are they doing that you weren't?

Don't get me wrong, the whole concept of paying to be listed somewhere is not one that I'm keen with. I'd rather spend the money on my own advertising. So all of the complaints you have about how they run their business is pretty much exactly what I thought it would be like.

Steve B
08-27-2013, 08:56 PM
"next time they call me im going to ask to be off their call list"

They will NEVER stop calling you - no matter what you do. When the earth has been scorched by war and only the cockroaches have survived, Angie's List will still have their telemarketers calling you at least twice per month. Trust me on this.

08-28-2013, 10:35 AM
Funny, but I just did a quick Google search to find sites that Review sites that are like angies list, yelp etc. I was looking for something that outlined their ACTUAL business structure and how independent they really were... I found NOTHING.
In the webhosting business, I would guess that about 90% of the websites reviewing web hosting companies get $$$ from the host they have the review on... Not that reliable.
If Angies list permits advertisers, the entire credibility of the site then becomes questionable!

Harold Mansfield
08-28-2013, 12:00 PM
If Angies list permits advertisers, the entire credibility of the site then becomes questionable!

They all allow advertisers. Websites like these cost money to maintain. Surely they are allowed to make money.
I can't speak for Angie's List business model because I've never spent a dime with them. But apparently consumers swear by it and it brings me a few calls a month of actual paying customers, so in that respect..seems pretty legit to me.

08-29-2013, 05:49 PM
just thought id mention that angies list still calls me weekly....they have been doing it now for over a year....I know their phone # and do not answer

whenever I pickup by mistake its always a new salesman....they must pass me back and forth....its incredible how aggressive they are

to the guy who couldn't cancel w/o paying a service fee....my advice---cancel the credit card....let them try to charge a card that doesn't exist.....I had to do that w/ service magic because they refused to cancel my account

Texas Roofr
02-10-2014, 11:37 PM
I just talked with Angies list today and they want me to advertise with them (for $150 a month of course)

problem is i only have 3 reviews and one is bad (a weird situation)....im trying to get the weirdo wiped off my record, but then im down to 2 reviews

i found out i can hand out review forms to any customer (member or not) and if they get sent in i can build up my rating and reviews

the form is available on their contractor website and is free postage

i have builders who get tons of jobs from Angies list.....but then i have an electrician friend who complains only cheap people shop Angies list

I would stay away from advertising with them if I were you unless you want to be in a Win-Lose business deal. They win, you lose - especially in construction. First off, construction jobs cannot be priced like a commodity. Every single job is different and there are too many variables. Plus the type of people that go onto Angie's List are mostly people that are seeking deals. These are one time only customers who expect you to give them extra value added for free - so they can give you a positive review. If you don't, they will threaten you with a negative review. If you give them what they want, you will put yourself in bankruptcy court. Angie's List is just like Groupon. They take half of any deals you offer! You will lose your butt off man. Trust me. I've fallen for a similar trap with Groupon. When I spoke to Angie's List marketing team, their offer wasn't any different. Your best bet is to put your money into SEO. a really good truck wrap, business cards, and good ole fashion door knocking appointment setters. I've seen a lot of bad reviews from contractors on Angie's List- especially smaller contractors who have lost thousands of dollars. Don't do it man. That's my advice to you from personal experience.

Texas Roofr
02-10-2014, 11:40 PM
I agree with you. Don't run any deals with Angie's List! It's a Win-Lose situation. They win. You lose. Trust me. Been there. Done that. Your better off advertising on your own website and promoting it. Invest in SEO, truck wraps, and offer referral fees on FB, Twitter etc, but stay away from those one-time deal seeking customers. They want everything for nothing. Take it from my own personal experience.

They are going to lock you in a contract i guarantee you will not be happy with and you will want out. Don't set up the contract until you have at least 10 Good Reviews.

Below is my result in starting my account with only 2 reviews.

Angie’s List is the worst rip off on the web to BOTH the consumer and to the service professional. I am a contractor. I signed up with Angie’s list in August of 2012. I started the process to start generating review from customers. Now as you see on TV and as they advertise, the service professionals (the contractors) DO NOT pay to be on Angie’s List. Well yes, that’s true, but what they don’t tell the consumer is the contractor has to pay a lot to be on the first page or two of Angie’s so called LIST. So the TRUTH is, yes the contractor does have to pay if they want to get any calls from Angie’s list.
I started paying Angie’s list in March 2013. And amount of $250 a month. At this point I got myself (2) Review from consumer members of Angie’s List, about my company which were great reviews. Which I had to pay the consumer for them to sign up as a member so they COULD write a review about me.
Now yes there is a way for the non-member consumers to write a review about the contractor. With a Fetch Review form which they mail in. However these reviews are NOT seen by the Angie’s List members directly, so they don’t do any good. I had over 20 customers fill out that fetch review and mail them in. Which were ALL perfect Reviews about my company.
After I started paying the $250 a month, I got put on the first two pages of Angie’s LIST. I got (2) calls in 6 months. My profile page was all set up perfect with everything (pictures, Company info, Discounts, website, etc.) A lot of great reviews, however most the members could not see without going to a different page. I only had (2) Reviews by members that would appear on the profile page.
When I signed up, I was told my account manager would help me manage my profile and help me get the leads from members. I heard from him 3 times 6 months. Each time he told me to go on the website and create a BIG DEAL. Which I attempted to do three times. Each time I would submit the deal to Angie’s List and they said someone would get back to me. NEVER got any response. My deal was NEVER posted to my site. Every time I would talk to them it was the same thing.
I have given them $1,200 in 6 months and they won’t let me cancel without charging a large fee.
The funny thing is, there is NOT a spot on Angie’s List website to write a review about them.
On top of all that there customer service is very poor. They don’t seem to care if you are losing money as long as you keep paying them for something they are not following through on. They assured me setting up this account with them would bring me new leads. However once I signed that contract the nice responsive customer service was GONE. Once they get you under that contract, they don’t card they just want you to pay them.
After 6 months I called to find out what the deal was, I called a left massages for two days. Finally my so called account manager calls me back (Kris Wilmore), and after I argued and explained everything, he seemed to agree. However that was just his way of getting off the phone and passing the problem on to the guy that set me up on the account.
The guy that set me up called me right away. And he agreed with everything I said right away 100%. And told me we would just try to pause the account until I had more reviews, (thinking that would help get the leads). Two day later Kris Wilmore went ahead and processed a cancellation through on my account, charging $423 to my account with NO authorization. This was not discussed with me at all.
Now here is where it gets real interesting. I called several times trying to get ahold of Kris or his boss. Finally is boss (Derek Sheridan) calls me back. This guy does not care as long as he is getting your money one way or another. I tell him he had no authorization to charge my account. His response is…. What Would You Like Me To Do…..? I said refund my money, He said NO.
I asked well what if we keep the account active and just cut down on the coverage area to lower my monthly bill until I build up 10 or 15 reviews, He said… sure you can open “ANOTHER” account and we will set it up that way. But still would NOT refund the $423 they took.

So my Options were…..
1. Leave the account canceled and lose the $423
2. Reactive the account get the $423 back, but keep paying $250 a month.
3. Leave the account canceled and still lose the $423 and open a NEW account and start over with a smaller coverage area to lower my month cost.
If I treated my customers that bad, I Know I would NOT deserve to be in business.