View Full Version : E-check solution providers

05-15-2012, 10:27 AM
Hi everyone,

I have a potential client who is starting an online business that sells printed material. He is going to accept PayPal as one form of payment, but he also want to offer another way to pay for customers who don't like or use PayPal. He wants to offer e-check payments directly on his website. Any suggestions on who to recommend would be appreciated.


05-15-2012, 10:58 PM
I think PayPal can work with eChecks. Authorize.net is another, though he'll need to get a merchant account set up to work with them.

I just found another one called PaySimple (http://paysimple.com/electronic_check_processing.html). I have no idea if they're good or not. It looks like it'll cost about $35 a month to have eChecks, though you can also accept credit cards through them.

Does your client expect people will want to pay with a check? If not many people do he could end up spending more to accept checks than he actually collects.

05-16-2012, 12:02 AM
While going through my feedreader I noticed an article listing 10 online payment systems (http://sixrevisions.com/tools/online-payment-systems/). I'm not sure if any include the ability to accept eChecks, but I thought they might be worth looking into.

05-16-2012, 12:04 AM
He is going to use PayPal, but he thinks he might lose sales from people who don't like or use PayPal so he wants to an additional option. I convinced him not to accept cash. But he is going to accept payment by check and e-checks. I found PaySimple when I was searching online for an e-check provider. I found a few more and have sent him links so he can check them out. He writes material relating to health. I imagine his target audience is towards older adults and he doesn't want to lose sales because someone doesn't like PayPal or have a credit card.

05-16-2012, 01:34 AM
Makes sense. There's certainly nothing wrong with offering multiple solutions for payment. I wouldn't think older adults wouldn't have a credit card. I can understand why they might not like PayPal, though PayPal does take credit cards. If he doesn't mind the expense of setting something up he might try authorize.net. They accept all major credit cards and also accept eChecks.