View Full Version : existing bussines

06-25-2012, 03:52 PM
I need your help.
I just bought existing bussines (small restaurant)and I dont know what to do next.
can you explain me what I should to do now- step by step
I mean-for exemple-go to Revenue...next go to....and next...
what is the most important?

ps.sorry about my spelling-im not english


06-25-2012, 11:19 PM
Welcome to the forum Monika. I'm not sure anyone can give you a step by step. There's no recipe for success. We can try to help though. Could you tells us more about your business. What kind of restaurant is it? Where is it located? What are the customers like? The more detail you can provide the more likely we can provide useful replies.

Could you talk to the person you bought the restaurant from and ask for help getting started? The person who's been running the business is going to know more about how to run it than anyone. You could start by doing whatever that person was doing and then as you get to know the business more try to improve on things.

06-26-2012, 07:45 AM
Thank you for reply

You know,I just asking about formal step.
I mean- go to Revenue and tell them, that im owner now.
what about bills change them on my name
get new VAT number
what about licence A3 -I need to change this for my name or keep the same for ages...
bussines rate new accont number for company
I dont know what else I should to do

thank you

06-26-2012, 08:48 AM
It sounds like you live in the UK. Is this right?

Maybe one of our forum members from the UK can talk to about the legal issues facing small business owners in the UK.

What kind of restaurant do you now own?

06-26-2012, 09:21 AM
I live in UK about 3 years
Its small restaurant about 8 tables inside and 3 outside
they have hot sandwithes kebab chips fish
there is no alkohol

06-26-2012, 06:27 PM
Is the previous owner gone? Can't you get these answers from the owner? Was there no contract spelling out what you need to take over? What the previous owner would pay off? What about vendor lists and employees?

06-27-2012, 04:22 AM
I dont have any contrakt what I taking over.
Seller is not very halpfull.he dosnt care about it.
yes I have vendor list and employers but I need more information what I should to do.

06-28-2012, 11:42 PM
If the owner isn't being helpful, do you know anyone else who owns a restaurant who may be willing to answer some questions?

I found a site called Business Link (https://online.businesslink.gov.uk/hub/action/render?pageId=mynewbusiness) that looks to be an official government site about business in the U.K. Here's another official U.K. government site HM Revenue & Customs (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/startingup/) that looks like it offers a lot about what's needed to start up a business.

Hopefully one of the sites helps.

One thing I'd add is that while you might feel confused right now, hang in there. With every detail you figure out the confusion will grow less. Solve one problem at a time without feeling like you have to solve them all at once.

07-08-2012, 10:51 PM
i think the important is who is your customer. They will tell you what food you will offer. If the customer is business people, they maybe need some place to rest or business negotiation, you may offer some refreshments. If a couple or lover, they need a place to dating... Just my idea. :)