View Full Version : Craigslist does not work for me! What would you suggest?

06-28-2012, 09:53 AM
Hello All,

I am having a delimma. I have a home based direct sales business and I have been using Craigslist to advertise that I am looking for business partners. I have had a couple of people contact me, but none who are actually serious. I know that many people are cautious when it comes to direct sales, but my company has been around for 11 years and we are continuously growing. We have had over 800% growth within the past 4 years. I want to show as many people as I can this opportunity and let them make an informed decision. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to advertise my business without having a cost associated with it? I am open to all suggestions and information that you can give.

06-28-2012, 12:11 PM
People with money to invest are not hanging around on Craigslist looking for opportunities.

Have you checked with your local Chamber, they may be able to provide some insight into some local opportunities.

06-28-2012, 12:20 PM
You might also look at Facebook and Twitter. If you follow strategically, you can find lots of local people in both places who may be looking for opportunities. You'll also have a platform to educate people regarding what you're offering.

06-28-2012, 01:33 PM
I agree with the others. You're looking on the wrong site. What you need is an "angel investor." There are sites devoted to matching small businesses with such investors. Craigslist isn't one of them.

06-28-2012, 03:53 PM
LinkedIn maybe? It's a professional crowd.

06-28-2012, 06:51 PM
i view craigs list as being where the cheapest people on earth are...nothing sells unless its for 1/2 price(or better)

its the last place id look for a partner....id ask homeless people under a bridge before id use craigs list

Steve the fence guy has had good luck hiring people on craigs list.....so it works for him....

ive advertised my business there several times....the calls i got from it were amazing....the cheapness was beyond belief..people wanted me to work for less than the materials cost

Dan Furman
06-28-2012, 08:42 PM
Hello All,

I am having a delimma. I have a home based direct sales business and I have been using Craigslist to advertise that I am looking for business partners. I have had a couple of people contact me, but none who are actually serious. I know that many people are cautious when it comes to direct sales, but my company has been around for 11 years and we are continuously growing. We have had over 800% growth within the past 4 years. I want to show as many people as I can this opportunity and let them make an informed decision. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to advertise my business without having a cost associated with it? I am open to all suggestions and information that you can give.

Holy BS Batman.

Maybe you're having trouble because people know Network Marketing is a scam?

A company that has had 800% growth can afford to advertise.

Or, if it's such a great opportunity, then YOU certainly should have enough money to advertise.

Just sayin'

BP Writer
06-28-2012, 08:51 PM
Holy BS Batman.

Well dang it, now I have to ask - does the "B" in "BS" stand for "Bull" or "Bat"? Or is it reader's choice?

Steve B
06-28-2012, 10:30 PM
Actually my Craigs list luck has run out. I've listed my job a dozen times in the last 5 weeks and can't get a decent applicant. I need to find another source of new employees.

Dan Furman
06-30-2012, 11:23 AM
Well dang it, now I have to ask - does the "B" in "BS" stand for "Bull" or "Bat"? Or is it reader's choice?

Your choice :)

06-30-2012, 12:20 PM
Actually my Craigs list luck has run out. I've listed my job a dozen times in the last 5 weeks and can't get a decent applicant. I need to find another source of new employees.

i dont know how it ever worked for you....craigs list is for bottom feeders...1/2 price is too high for most of them....maybe the quality is different in different area's...the Milwaukee version is crazy bad....yea i use it to unload something fast...i sold my work truck there---sold it to the 1st guy who showed up, but i also was asking $1,500-2000 less than it was worth because i didnt want to take the stickers off and i wanted it to sell within a week or less.....i also sold a brand new shower door a while back....brand new in box=1/2 price....sold that night

id never consider using it for finding investors or employees....there's got to be better places for that on the internet

06-30-2012, 09:54 PM
Craigslist isn't bad for everything! I found tennants for my rental properties via Craigslist and they have been wonderful.

As for finding business? It depends on the business. Competing on services could be difficult as huggytree is right, you are fighting against the bottom feeders. Reminds me of the web design businesses advertising on craigslist - people are selling web design for $75!!! A decent small website should run $1000, it's insanity.

Huggytree, I have found ALL my employees on craigslist, and we have had a very low turnover. I hold the staff to very high standards and I have some of the most amazing people I've ever met, so I wouldn't say craigslist is bad for finding employees. Investors, eh, not sure I would look there. But it's a fantastic resource for finding employees.

Steve B
07-01-2012, 10:58 AM
I found some outstanding employees over the years. Not sure why it's not working now. I wish I knew where else to advertise my opening other than Craig's List.

Dan Furman
07-01-2012, 02:29 PM


07-02-2012, 10:00 AM
I think we've all stressed that you're looking in the wrong place, so let's figure out what the next alternative is. This is not my area of expertise, but I always turn to Google when I need some fast assistance. Try a search like this "how to find business partners"

Here's just a few sites from the top of the search I think are worth reading:
How to Find the Perfect Business Partner | Entrepreneur.com (http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/65492)
Beginner’s Guide to Finding the Right Business Partner (http://www.quicksprout.com/2009/11/04/finding-the-right-business-partner/)
Find Business Partners (http://www.publingo.com/find-business-partners.html) (This is a service I believe that will match you with a prospective partner, a service you might be interested in. You say you want a free solution, but you pay money to make money right?)