View Full Version : Coretium Media - Web design for small business

07-02-2012, 06:25 AM
A little introduction is always needed, so let me tell you a little bit about Coretium Media we are a bunch of creative workers who have come together through a desire to help small businesses get hold of web and marketing that is not going to cost them the earth.

We were a small business at one time and we learnt that getting a name out there is a way to get customers, however that "getting out there" cost money, and for some reason a lot of it. However each of us knows that marketing and (good) website design is usually cheaper than originally priced.

Our website does detail more of our services if you want to talk to us in a professional capacity, but other than that we are looking simply to provide advice where we can so that small business gains from what we know.

07-03-2012, 04:10 PM
We were a small business at one time

Are you saying you no longer are? Maybe you're not as small as you once were, but I suspect you're still small. Those of us here are not ashamed of being small. And though we are small, we know that nothing worthwhile comes easy. Web design is no different. FYI, we have a lot of web designers already here so you'll fit in well, but if you're selling web design focused too much on price, you'll find many of us here believe that is not a good idea. Welcome and stick around, I think you'll find the discussions and experience here both interesting and enlightening.