View Full Version : 2 start up ideas, what do you think?

10-31-2012, 09:21 AM

3 more ideas, what do you think of them? Thanks for all the harsh criticism so far, keeps one on track.

Storage Network

As self and post storages have been popping up everywhere, why not make a network out of it where private persons could join? Lots of people have too much stuff and others have lots of space which they would like to get paid for. Everyone could offer his free space in the network, be it a cellar an attic, a chamber or a whole hall. People could agree on a price for it, a duration, have it send there or bring it there. The site would get a provision. Legally the owner would state that all in the box is legal, the storer would guarantee unopened and secure storing. Insurances could be possible as well.

LostWorlds Network – Rent a Ruin

Some citys have a bustling creative industry and lots of abandoned or empty buildings. Lostworld could bring them together. It could be be a property network for empty or ruinous buildings. Free to use for Owners, the site could charge a provision for establishing the contact. Even more convenient for the owner, it company could manage renting out the places, giving legal security, minimum effort and documenting all on video to assure the owner no damage has been done. Customers could be the film industry, artists in search of galleries, event hosters, ruin tours, etc. Secondary customers could be interested buyers.

...and here is a wired one as a bonus for reading so long:

Urban Role Play: Project Chaos

Most people long for entertainment, even more so in the real world, as most of them spend nearly all their day in front of a computer. Furthermore people want to belong, get to know people and not be isolated. Project Chaos (name stolen from Fight club) can deliver right that: Its an offline role play between groups, trying to win parts of the city. Every registered user (of all parties) gets to know a task at a specific time, say every Sunday at noon. It could vary from having people form the biggest smiley on a square, to first find the house with the number Pi sprayed on it, to whatever on can image and is legal. Who wins gets a part of the city shown on the site. A maximum of organization should be left to the groups, whether they act as a loose network or as structured units. Tasks should be shaped to encourage the group formation, so that the social factor pay off. Membership would cost a small monthly fee which would encourage people to join as many events as they can.


10-31-2012, 10:49 AM
The rent a ruin is already in place, they are called property management firms. The other 2 idea are OK.

You seem to have a lot of ideas, that is good. Now it time to turn one of these day dreams into a goal. That mean laying out a plan on how to get it started and keep it going.

10-31-2012, 11:17 AM

ok, thanks. But with property management I dont see that for this market segment, at least where I am. Any names?

Thanks for the flowers with the ideas, but there not good enough yet, just ok. Once I got 5 good ones Ill shut up (shortly)...

I must say I favour the storage network and Project Chaos by now as candidates.

10-31-2012, 11:35 AM
That last one is intriguing. There are real life RPG groups, like medieval battles, wizard and warriors ect, will it be like that?

10-31-2012, 11:44 AM

thanks, first idea to get 2 postive reviews.

But I'd do it more spontaneousely for the undecided (who maybe dont fancy medival stuff). Everybody should be able to join, regardless of his tastes and be suprised by the tasks. No preparation needed, thats important I guess. Furthermore I thought of it as a more urban thing, as mingling is supposedly harder in the fields. But considering, why not make it possible to found your own groups, and if enough people in the fields join - why not start somethig there?

10-31-2012, 03:22 PM
No, no, and maybe, though I'm not sure I understand the third one completely and it would take some marketing to get the word out so you could get enough players to make it feasible.

11-01-2012, 03:52 AM
Thats for sure. Probably a reward for the tasks would be good to get it going.

11-01-2012, 08:04 AM
Storage Network: Craigslist is doing that already.

Lostworlds: Those old and abandoned buildings are falling apart and are a huge insurance risk. Just opening the door and walking inside can cause a cave in. Basically it'd be illegal to rent one out.

11-01-2012, 12:27 PM

really, storing by mail as well? Cant find it there.

Lostworlds: Yes, of course this would have to be legally fixed so that all risk would be on the tenant.

11-01-2012, 12:40 PM

thanks, first idea to get 2 postive reviews.

But I'd do it more spontaneousely for the undecided (who maybe dont fancy medival stuff). Everybody should be able to join, regardless of his tastes and be suprised by the tasks. No preparation needed, thats important I guess. Furthermore I thought of it as a more urban thing, as mingling is supposedly harder in the fields. But considering, why not make it possible to found your own groups, and if enough people in the fields join - why not start somethig there?

So more like an individual type of deal? You don't have to go crazy explaining the idea as I don't want you to think I'm trying to steal it or something, just as if I was a potential customer. So I would go to a forum or site and see a task, perfom said task and get something like XP points I could use to level up?

I saw this one site that really piqued my interest, it was urban explorers. These groups of people go around and explore areas of the city that have been forgotten or are outdated and been buried. Looked super cool, they had like an XP type of system where you go with the head guy until you level enough to start your own group and so on. Unfortunately I live in the boring middle of IL where the only old or forgotten things are barns that are held up by weeds.

11-02-2012, 05:28 AM

no, didn’t think you wanted to steal the idea, and even if, go for it, im really far away...Ideas are for all. I’m just bad at explaining.
Checked out the site, but couldn’t find the point system. Its more of a touring network as far as I can see, and focusing on the melancholic side of civilization. Interesting site in gerneral, but not quite my concept.
Project Chaos would announce tasks simultaneously for all registered users, so that a sort of race between the groups would begin. The tasks also would not have to do something with abandoned buildings, but could be something like bring together 100 red cars in a row. Or even something sensfully historical, ecological or political. On the website there would be a city map were groups win or lose territory according to the tasks they win in the area. Then groups could meet privately to prepare or after the task to celebrate their win (in a restaurant which offers a deal or so).

11-03-2012, 02:07 PM
The territory thing is pretty sweet. I guess i would have to it in action to judge if it was fun or not. Keep this updated if you break in to this I'm very interested.

11-04-2012, 08:45 AM
I like the storage network. I don't see Craigslist as being any competition to it, would you trust something organized off of Craigslist? No

11-05-2012, 03:54 AM

thanks for both, Ill do so. And I dont see craigslost as being a competition either. The focus with the network would have to be on security, sealing the pakets and having them insured.