View Full Version : What are effective methods of advertising?

11-16-2012, 10:54 PM
I want to know some effective methods of advertising for my business. I have advertised by business through hoardings. Hoardings do not provide much advertisement. Then I tried advertising my website online using Adwords. Adwords helped me increase my sales. Do you know any other effective methods of advertising which will increase my sales except television ads which I can afford and Facebook ads which I do not want to apply.

Steve B
11-17-2012, 05:05 AM
Please give some specifics about your business. However, I can tell you there won't be an easy answer to your advertising question. The answer is going to be "it depends" and it will be different for each business and probably different within regional areas.

11-17-2012, 09:53 AM
Backlinks and content for organic visitors is the cheapest, perhaps you want to use article submission to get the backlinks.

11-20-2012, 12:27 PM
Much of this depends upon the type of business you have. The closer you can get to the person the better your chances of being effective. Depending on your business, you could pass out coupons, use door hangers, or brochures. You could having drawings at public events, where people drop their business card in a fish bowl and you give them a special deal for participating. You could advertise in newspapers and small, local papers have inserts which are very cheap, but effective. If your business is more high-end, your approaches may be different, but there's plenty of ways to advertise offline that are very cost effective. The key is to be creative..

12-04-2012, 02:30 PM
Advertising is complex and can be expensive. Hiring an ad agency is one way, but big money for a small business. Trying to design your own ad isn't advisable unless you have the background. My academy has advertising templates for over 120 different types of businesses and the program is affordable.

12-04-2012, 05:57 PM
Online advertising: Good Backlinks to a website (which helps build organic rankings) you might have, quality articles and content on your site, well written product descriptions, writing articles, blogging, facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, Free Press Releases, just to name a few.

12-04-2012, 06:22 PM
Everyone here has really great points, but the one major one that everyone one is missing... Word of mouth... I tell this to my clients all the time, just because you're #1 on all the major search engines does not mean that you're going to be getting exorbitant amounts of business, It just means you have a better chance of getting more visits to your website and a slightly hire chance for a conversion.

Now if one of your current clients tells someone they know about how great your product or service was, what do you think the percentage of that conversion is? Pretty high, because that's a first hand experience with someone the potential client has had. Someone they trust. This is why if you notice the way bing and Google are starting to work their search engines. If you have a google account and you're logged in and you have frinds that +1 sites... if you're searching for a site that they have already +1'd then no matter what the actual 1st page's SEO structure is, the one that the friend +1'd will be on top... changes all the rules about SEO, same with bing and Facebook.

Reference: How Google+ Can Improve Your SEO | Video | Entrepreneur.com (http://www.entrepreneur.com/video/224389) - Watch this video if you have any confusion

12-04-2012, 07:20 PM
no one here can give you a good answer because you didnt say what your business is

we can only guess

12-10-2012, 09:55 AM
You need to tell us more so we can help.

12-11-2012, 09:10 PM
Regardless of what business it is, and this is true of i wanna say 99.9% of all businesses, your main advertising campaign is word of mouth. let me reiterate my post...

Everyone here has really great points, but the one major one that everyone one is missing... Word of mouth... I tell this to my clients all the time, just because you're #1 on all the major search engines does not mean that you're going to be getting exorbitant amounts of business, It just means you have a better chance of getting more visits to your website and a slightly hire chance for a conversion.

Now if one of your current clients tells someone they know about how great your product or service was, what do you think the percentage of that conversion is? Pretty high, because that's a first hand experience with someone the potential client has had. Someone they trust. This is why if you notice the way bing and Google are starting to work their search engines. If you have a google account and you're logged in and you have frinds that +1 sites... if you're searching for a site that they have already +1'd then no matter what the actual 1st page's SEO structure is, the one that the friend +1'd will be on top... changes all the rules about SEO, same with bing and Facebook.

Reference: How Google+ Can Improve Your SEO | Video | Entrepreneur.com - Watch this video if you have any confusion

12-11-2012, 10:15 PM
To me the best is the right hand extended, grip completely but not to tightly, shack in a firm but slow motion and smile. Then let go. Works for me all the time.


01-08-2013, 05:46 AM
Hi I agree word of mouth has been proven to be the most effective but I also agree to give any advice, we need to know what you are selling! Advertising is only one method of promotion, it might not be the best for your customers!

1. identify in detail which kind of people will buy your product (what do you know about them, what do they read, do online etc?)
2. Identify which is the most effective way of reaching those specific people

Good luck!

01-08-2013, 03:37 PM
I want to know some effective methods of advertising for my business. I have advertised by business through hoardings. Hoardings do not provide much advertisement. Then I tried advertising my website online using Adwords. Adwords helped me increase my sales. Do you know any other effective methods of advertising which will increase my sales except television ads which I can afford and Facebook ads which I do not want to apply.

When someone asks me how they should be advertising their business I always ask them the same question, which is......

Who is your target audience and where do you need to go to get your message in front of them?

This is a far better question to ask yourself instead of just asking where can I advertise. If you understand exactly who you are trying to speak to, then it makes your advertising much easier and much more effective.

Most mass advertising methods are a waste of money, or inefficient to say the least.

The more you understand about your customers, the easier it is to figure out how to get your message in front of them. Figure that part out in great detail. Once you have figured that part out, then knowing how to reach those people will become obvious.

Joanne Perez
01-16-2013, 01:58 AM
Another effective method of advertising your business is to go online and promote it on social media sites...

Business magnate
01-24-2013, 05:44 PM
I want to know some effective methods of advertising for my business. I have advertised by business through hoardings. Hoardings do not provide much advertisement. Then I tried advertising my website online using Adwords. Adwords helped me increase my sales. Do you know any other effective methods of advertising which will increase my sales except television ads which I can afford and Facebook ads which I do not want to apply.

You'll need an analysis of revenue, industry, methods, history of your business, goals of your business... Even if you're just testing different methods your question is too complex, and too general to answer...

So, my answer is: Almost every method of advertising can increase your sales. :)

01-25-2013, 08:44 AM
You can try to sale your service through Craigslist posting.