View Full Version : Accounts Payable - Need Help Organizing!

12-07-2012, 10:00 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am in need of some advice. I work for a small business that is having some accounting problems. I need a method of organizing the accounts payable. Bills are coming in the mail daily and we are falling behind on getting these paid. Does anyone out there have a suggestion for a method of scanning these invoices and having reminders set up? My employer travels and it would be great if there was a way to electronically remind him of what needs paid and when. We are going through a small structural reorganization and I am at a loss for a way to keep these bills organized and accessible. If anyone has any suggestions at all it would be greatly appreciated. I have quickbooks, a digital scanner, a small business network but I just can not seem to find a way to get things together.

12-07-2012, 11:33 AM
In companies I've worked at, invoices would be collected throughout the week, and on Fridays, every week or every other week, an accountant would come in and make all the necessary payments on those piles of invoices. Since my business is much smaller, I just pay the invoice straight away.

Sorry I may not be as helpful with that but seeing as your employer pays his own bills, you may also be small enough for you or someone to scan everything in at such and such time on a friday and then email it. How many invoices are we talking about here?

12-07-2012, 11:39 AM
Check out some of the features on Google Docs:


You will be able to access this program from any computer when you sign in. Not sure if it will have exactly what you are looking for, but we use this program quite a bit.

12-07-2012, 11:50 AM
I have quickbooks, a digital scanner, a small business network but I just can not seem to find a way to get things together.

You have Quickbooks, why not use Quickbooks?

Use the "Enter Bills" Workflow to enter invoices you receive, and attached a scanned copy of the invoice if you like.
Use the "Memorized" Transactions for recurring bills (Cntrl+M to Enter, Ctrl+T to retrieve), and attach a scanned copy of the invoice if you like.

Then use your preferred "Vendors & Payables" Report to keep everyone informed (I.E. The "Unpaid Bills Detail" report might be a good starting point).

12-07-2012, 10:09 PM
You may also want to scan the documents and store them in electronic folders. You may also wish to consider using EverNote too, as they can store all of your invoices and important documents as well.

12-07-2012, 10:30 PM
I also agree with MyITGUY. I also suggest having all invoice e-Delivery to you and organize them by the due date and every time you open your e-mail you get a popup.
reminding you bill are due.

12-08-2012, 02:44 PM
Hi Matt - I know lots and lots of people who swear by Bill.com. Here is a link to their website: Accounts Payable Online | Online Business Bill Payment | Bill.com (http://www.bill.com/product/accounts-payable). I think there is a trial offer before you buy. A single user is $24.95 a month. Your bills could be scheduled to be paid so that you can take advantage of discounts. Once you get everything set up, they take care of everything. And it synchs with QuickBooks.

Hope this helps.

12-10-2012, 01:14 PM
Does your employer (boss), the one that travels, control the cash in the company? Is there cash available to pay the bills? If this is like so many small businesses, the cash cycle isn't matching the A/P cycle because there isn't enough reserves available to work with here. This may be the case and that is why your employer is ignoring or delaying dealing with the issue. A typical operation will pay their bills weekly and use a Line of Credit to draw against during slow receipts time. You need to have a sit down with the employer and have a heart to heart about this situation. If he is traveling a lot, then there needs to be another individual that can sign checks and get the A/P completed each week.