View Full Version : E-Marketing

02-12-2013, 06:36 PM
Hi i have recently started my own business doing E-Marketing and i am looking for a couple of start up jobs as i need to build up some from of reputation and get some client testimonys.

as i am relatively new i am not looking to charge alot and need to run a couple of campaigns mainly for reputation but if any one has any advice for me i would be very greatful for any help.

David Thwaites

Harold Mansfield
02-12-2013, 07:30 PM
Hi David, Welcome to the forum.
We generally do not allow solicitations for business here, but we can certainly offer advice.

What do you mean by "e-marketing"?

Also, just off of the top of my head, using a free email address does not inspire much credibility or confidence that you are ready and open for business.

Even if you can't afford a full website at the moment, you should at least invest in a domain so that you can have a professional email address. You are also going to have to find some kind of way to present your services online, even if it is a cheap, one page site builder (or at the very least a PDF resume with a list of services that you can send out).

Not many people are going to hire an "E-Marketer" that doesn't even have thier own "E". People who need web services are fickle like that.

02-12-2013, 10:48 PM
Yes would need more information on the service you provide and how you provide it really and not having a site for me to do that makes it difficult.

What do you do? How do you do it? What does it cost? You would gain a huge amount of interest by creating an online presence and moving fwd that way imho.

02-12-2013, 11:58 PM
Also on the published email address, you are inviting mountains of spam emails. Google is pretty good and weeding out spam, but it's going to create problems for you.

02-13-2013, 02:12 AM
Can you give us some examples of what you can do to help with e-marketing? Are you a designer, writer ?

02-14-2013, 11:42 AM
@Harold I thought I did include a link to my site and I am looking to get some work done on it and buy a domain as well for the minute my site is lifey.moonfruit.com

02-14-2013, 11:42 AM
And as for what I do I look at your business and your website then I go round the internet and find people that can use your site and contact them for you or if you wish to contact them via your email address I provide you with the contact details for you.

the main thing is that I spend the time to find the people that can use your site and give them your site increasing the how many people know of your site and given the law of sales for every 100 people that see your business 3 will be interested in purchasing so what I do is get you the people coming to your site so that you can have the chance to get the sales without having to spend the time searching for the customers, the main point is to enable you to carry on with your work while having increased business.

I am aware that the numbers change for different services like a shop has a increased odd of getting the sales from a website design business but the general principle is increase the visitors and you have more chance of getting the 3/100 people when you have 1000 people visiting your site.

02-14-2013, 12:15 PM
Would it not be much easier to pay for ads online for people to see the site than have to deal with someone that will go around and do it manually, at a much much slower pace than ads directed to specific consumers?

Also take a look at some of the grammar on your website. There is quite a bit of issues there.

Aside from the site being poorly written, you are basically providing services of a sales person.. however you are saying you only deal with sending out emails. As a consumer, I don't deal well with spammy emails selling me things. I will especially ignore you if you are emailing me selling a product like 'dell' and your domain name is not info@dell.com for example. This shows you are just a sales dude to be junkmailed.

On another note, how are they also retaining control (stated on your site) of what is sent if you are the one sending out emails. Would you not have to create emails and then send for approval? Is that not also not time consuming for these people?

Just trying to find out what the point is of this type of service. A sales guy that only sends emails. Not sure what "lifey" means.. it sounds like "wifey".

Sell us on your service as I do not see the point of it. If you can sell this idea, you can sell other people's business ideas.

02-14-2013, 12:24 PM

i understand what your saying it would be easier to put a ad up but alot of people don't pay attension to ads its more effective to manually have a person tell them about it because word of mouth is more effective then ads to put it in a different light you are now talking about it too me so i have in some affects got your interest if i was to put a ad up, what would you do if you caught a glance of a ad for me?

David Thwaites

02-14-2013, 12:33 PM
your comment about retaining control as you said I would send them a copy of the email and lot of people have a different idea for what they want to be sent for their company and as I am not in your company I do not I know personal how you want your company represented and I may have I completely different idea from you but as its your company I would only send you what you wanted to be sent i would not take it upon myself to make changes unless you have told me to.

02-14-2013, 12:41 PM
That was a very long sentence. Are you sure you are capable of marketing my business with the poorly constructed sentences? Now I understand english might not be your first language.. but as someone who may need help my business, I would want them to know how to send out coherent sentences.

Regarding sending out emails.. yes word of mouth is great.. but none of the consumers know you. You are not word of mouth. You are some random guy emailing me about a service. I don't like being sold to via email. It is annoying. I will click "unsubscribe" and you will have been banned from whatever email server you are using because of the spam you send out.

02-14-2013, 12:41 PM
And lifey is a name that is not common so I am able to build a name for myself under that name and prevent confusion with other companies. But I do like the rhyme you made there :)

and I do not just do Emails that is just one of the many different types of marketing but it is the most common one that people feel they can see being use for their company in the end your business will decide which one I use for example I am going to have a look at your site and from that I can make a suggestion on the best one for your business

02-14-2013, 12:42 PM
your comment about retaining control as you said I would send them a copy of the email and lot of people have a different idea for what they want to be sent for their company and as I am not in your company I do not I know personal how you want your company represented and I may have I completely different idea from you but as its your company I would only send you what you wanted to be sent i would not take it upon myself to make changes unless you have told me to.

So then... why don't I just email them myself? That would be SO much faster and cheaper!

02-14-2013, 12:46 PM
So then... why don't I just email them myself? That would be SO much faster and cheaper!

Okay but how much time are you going to have to spend finding people to send it to whilst keeping up with your current work commitments.

02-14-2013, 12:53 PM
I just had a look at your site and if I was to take on your site the first thing I would guests is for mr search the forums and the internet to find people with poorly designed sites and logo, or people asking for help with designing logos and give them your site and some basic information about you and what you do and from that they can contact you.

now if you can do that constantly while keeping up with your work then your right you don't need me or your business is that slow you do need some one like me .

02-14-2013, 12:57 PM
and just to let you know i am not looking to charge people crazy amounts like $300 - $400 at the current time the prices are not likely to go over $100 at the most i don't know why but i get the feeling you think i am tring to charge crazy amounts.

02-14-2013, 02:31 PM
So how many unique emails can you send in a day if you need 100 contacts?

02-14-2013, 02:39 PM
So how many unique emails can you send in a day if you need 100 contacts?

To be honest to get 100 unique emails would work out i could send 14 a hour on a 7 hour day and idealy i would be looking to get 25 emails a hour atleast and work more than 7 hours which would equal 200 plus emails a day sent out, and given that i would run it for 7 days i would be looking to get 1400 sent out but again i would like to say that is not the only way.