View Full Version : Business Consultancy

03-16-2013, 01:19 PM
Hello guys. What do you think about business consultancy services? Can someone advice latest(2012-2013) strategies to target the client. I assume that Facebook, LinkedIn and so on,already outdated strategies...Can someone express they opinion about the ...maybe powerful forums, networks(for example where business owners looking for advice on running business). And generally, what you personally think about 2013..What is your best strategy to catch client?

Thank you

03-16-2013, 03:26 PM
I think what you're looking for is a marketing service rather than a true consultant. Although there is some overlap between the two, there are very distinguishable differences.

In regards to your question, what is your product or service and who are you currently selling/marketing to? Who would you consider to be your ideal client and are you equipped to handle anything this type of client may send your way?

03-17-2013, 07:14 AM
maybe powerful forums, networks(for example where business owners looking for advice on running business)

My clients don't have the time to look for forums or to stay interested in them. They're too busy running their businesses.

What is your best strategy to catch client?

Same as it always was: make sure you're front-and-center with a credible solution that offers a great value when the client is looking for someone just like you. Anything else is just thrashing about in the water looking for a chunk of wood floating by before you drown.

03-17-2013, 09:13 AM
It really depends on who you're targeting. Most business consultants have a specialty because businesses are different. Blue collar businesses are different then online businesses are different than startups are different than... As a customer, I'd want to know that you actually have expertise in my type of business. As an expert in a certain type of business, you should already know the key industry organizations, conferences and networks. Those would be your best places to pick up clients. I'd never search Google for a business consultant, I'd ask someone in my industry who they recommend.

03-18-2013, 10:40 AM
What about business directories?(to register company there)

03-18-2013, 12:15 PM
What about business directories?(to register company there)

Everyone and their brother (including me) has one. No real money in it.

03-20-2013, 07:30 AM
do EVERYTHING and see what works for YOU. there is no one way...

03-23-2013, 11:16 AM
Business consultancy is not necessarily about finding someone who is an expert in your industry, sure it helps, but if you don't know about the technicalities of your business, then you rather get a partner who does. What is more important is the fact that the consultant has actually built successful businesses, that he knows how to navigate through the obstacles you encounter as well as has the ability to keep you motivated. Set goals, track results, make adjustments to marketing strategies, business plan. Analyze lead generation and conversion rates and improve overall performance of the company. Assist with management tips and more effective time management for your every day business system. The overall goal is to free up time for you to expand the business rather than working in your business.

05-06-2013, 03:11 PM
Forums and LinkedIn Groups for more one on one contact. Also Twitter if you can search for related topics and engage in conversation. You might want to try (or continue to try) more traditional routes - i.e., networking events, speaking engagements etc. Still, Facebook and LinkedIn pages can help position you as a thought leader in the space and show people that you have a strong, positive reputation in your industry. While it might not drive sales, people are still going to search for you and expect to find you there. Have a strong website for those searches and you might even want to think about video content too!

Daniel Arbizu
05-22-2013, 05:52 PM
Google Adwords and Bing Ads are the best ways to target a customer. Using buying trigger keywords for your product will have your business positioned right where people are looking for your product.

05-22-2013, 07:59 PM
The necessity of it depends on the nature of your product or services you offer and examine how effective getting the consultancy does you good

Jim Briggs
05-28-2013, 11:38 PM
The terminology of the OP (I recently learned what OP means and am relieved that it doesn't mean dOPey) is a bit militaristic "target the client", "catch the client" ;) but I get your point, OP.

I've come across several online coaching/advisory platforms and I suspect we're going to see more of that as SAAS startups will see an opportunity to build these platforms. These platforms will offer a variety of connection tools: online discussions and group panels, automated calling, recommendation systems. These platforms would help the client to "target" you. (pull marketing)

This is more of a 2014 kind of thing.

06-06-2013, 11:26 AM
With this type of business you would need to know who your client is. You would probably want to focus on a niche: big or small businesses, fortune 500, etc. My gut says you would target medium sized businesses. Small ones are too new to afford professional services more than likely and big ones already have hired someone else. You need to catch the ones that are still fresh and growing but profitable. Why should they hire you? Why are you any different or better? Be prepared with lots of answers. As the owner of businesses myself, I would want to know a lot about your business. You are at a severe disadvantage if you are a new business, especially offering advice on business. What makes you qualified?