View Full Version : Requesting Feedback on New Texting Platform for Business

03-18-2013, 01:27 PM
Hello, I help run a new company in San Francisco called Instaply. We just entered a public beta for our new service and I'm looking for feedback from the community (I think this is the right place on the form, but let me know if it's not).

We have created a free mobile platform that allows businesses and customers to text each other - but without giving up a personal phone number and without any SMS charges. It's free for both businesses and their customers. Businesses access the platform through mobile apps and the web on PC. Customers access Instaply from a mobile app.

We have a few early customers that are having interesting success with it. One is a chain of hardware stores that is promoting it to their customers to open up an easier way for customers to talk to the stores. A restaurant is promoting their business on Instaply to cut down on phone calls at lunch time and to take lunch time orders. An automotive repair shop it starting to use it so they don't spend as much time on the phone and can get more work done.

There's a video on our home page, but it doesn't show the PC access yet - www.instaply.com.

We are very eager to hear questions and feedback over the next several weeks as we make continuous refinements.

Thanks in advance for any consideration you can proivide!


04-28-2013, 01:25 AM
Hi Chris. I'm sorry your thread fell through the cracks. It happens sometimes.

I just watched the video on your site. It looks like a really useful service. The only concern I would have is making sure my phone number was protected and not something that would end up on some SMS marketing list, but it sounds like you have that covered. I supposed the other thing that's not so much a concern, but something that would help make the app more useful is making sure enough businesses join to be able to contact them. I assume that's something you're working on and that the amount of people and businesses using the service would increase over time.

Really it looks like a great idea and a great app.

I did think of a couple of questions. How would I as a consumer know which business in my area have joined? Is there a search mechanism or a way to browse? Maybe the app grabs my location and can recommend certain businesses. Could I do something like ask what Chinese restaurants are near my present location? Or is this less about finding local business and more connecting with those I frequent.

The other question is as a business how do I let my customers know that I'm part of the service. I imagine that's mostly on me mentioning it to them when there in my store or having something about the app on my site.

Just thought of another question/concern. I'm a work at home web designer. Say I join. Is there a way I can let people know the hours I can be reached? Can I turn the service off on my end while I'm sleeping or simply not working.

Again looks like a great service and app.

04-28-2013, 01:34 AM
I had another thought. As a business is there a way to be connected to the service that doesn't require an app? I'm thinking for a business it might be easier to have someone at a computer instead of always having a phone or tablet out. I realize it's an SMS based service, but that might not always work for all businesses. I know iMessage on the Mac can get and send SMS messages. I assume there's something that could do the same on Windows or at least could be created to. Just a thought.