View Full Version : In store Customer Service Satisfication Note

06-16-2013, 03:40 PM

I run couple retail stores and sometimes (rarley) even when I am at the store my employee don't greet or just seem bored with my customers. So i dont know what she does when I not here. So I want to place a note on counter for customers who are not satisfied with the service to call me. Do you guys know any site which have those templates which says something like "we are committed to excellent customer service... not satisfied call at...." ? Thanks

06-16-2013, 03:52 PM
I've seen that as a bumper sticker on trucks, but doing that to an employee might be considered a form of harassment. :p

I don't think you want a template ("personal" counts!) and I don't think you want it on your counter for the employee to pick at with her fingernails when she gets bored. Put it on the receipt (every receipt I get lately has a message about a survey I should complete, but I'm not sure that's as effective as just posting your company phone number) or put it on the inside of the door they will exit through.

06-16-2013, 04:08 PM
Ya I will put it on the receipt and also by the counter so customers can see it and give me call.

06-16-2013, 05:24 PM
Use a customer comment card. As a customer I'm more likely to fill that out then write down the number and complain.

Harold Mansfield
06-16-2013, 06:37 PM
Use a customer comment card. As a customer I'm more likely to fill that out then write down the number and complain.

I agree. Comment or feedback cards are a much better way to get honest feedback and not look like you are putting your employees on the spot.
People are much more likely to give honest feedback anonymously.

Also, unless you have a dedicated line or system for handling customer feedback it will come off as unprofessional, not to mention that you are inviting any and everyone to call you.
The good thing about comment or feedback cards is that you can weed through the nutcases that look for things to complain about everywhere they go.

If your employees are anything like I was when I was young, dumb and had no respect for people's business, they'll remove the comment cards where you aren't there. In that case, you could also set up a feedback form on your website, and direct people there on your receipts and marketing materials.

06-16-2013, 09:53 PM
If I had a retail store, I would certainly put in a camera system. They go from cheap to expensive. A locked comment card box by the door might be a good idea as well.

06-17-2013, 08:41 AM
Here's how I follow up with a customer. First, I personally write them an email asking how things went. If it was positive, I'll save that message to use for my customer testimonials page (with their permission, of course) and then I'll follow up with giving them a discount code for their next purchase.

I realize our situations are different I was just thinking that as long as you're asking customers to fill out a survey or customer satisfaction card, why not offer them a discount too? This will give them incentive to provide feedback and become repeat customers.

06-17-2013, 04:56 PM
put a phone # and a notice at the bottom of the sales receipt

make sure your employee's have large name tags

id consider having a meeting with employees if moral is bad......they should be able to put on that fake smile and greet your customers

06-18-2013, 06:55 PM
You need to nip this in the bud right away. I don't know if you have or not so I'm just going to say it. Response cards are good, but if you can see it your customers feel it.

Let your employee know that being in a customer service/retail position she needs to be friendly, personable, and knowledgeable, must look "busy" at all times. It might not be her dream job, but it could be a stepping stone into something she really loves.

06-19-2013, 11:29 AM
Everyone has covered the feedback cards and receipt printing already, but you'll also want to examine whether your training is sinking in and if you've provided enough incentive to perform. Finding employees with intrinsic motivation is nearly impossible, so you'll want to make sure there's extrinsic motivation in place to spur your staff to meet your standards.

Have you called her on it when she's displayed sub-standard behavior when you are there? Reinforcement and reiteration are important to keeping service levels high -as is repetition of training. To achieve high levels of customer service you can't just train once and expect it to stick, it has to be a part of a continuous training/learning plan.

06-30-2013, 07:35 PM

I run couple retail stores and sometimes (rarley) even when I am at the store my employee don't greet or just seem bored with my customers. So i dont know what she does when I not here. So I want to place a note on counter for customers who are not satisfied with the service to call me. Do you guys know any site which have those templates which says something like "we are committed to excellent customer service... not satisfied call at...." ? Thanks

Not to be too brutal but why bother with signs and cards,you already know the answer because you witnessed it first hand. Deal with the employee, get a new one, fire somebody, retrain them...do something other than gather feedback for something you already know.

When I experience poor service I don't stop to fill out a form or make a phone call, I just never go back! Thats the problem with dissapointed customers...they don't come back. You have no idea how much business you may have already lost.

It's one of the most serious problems you can have in retail and it has to be reckoned with quickly and effectively.

Even if you contact the disgruntled customers, then what? Are you going to invite them back for more customer abuse?

07-03-2013, 08:04 PM
I think the receipt is a good idea and it wouldn't hurt to have some type of sign for feedback. They might even have complaints that don't even have to do with the employee. But I wonder if maybe it would be a good idea to have a security camera too :P