Annie Kile

  1. Love by the Rules: Workplace Romance

    Right off the bat we’re going to make it clear that this article in no way is meant to represent or provide legal advice. That should have gotten your attention - as should an office romance at your small business.

    Before thinking “I’ve got a policy against that” and clicking out, you might want to read on as, while it isn’t legal advice, you’re sure to encounter some food for thought that just might save your business.

    Outside of online match making services, ...
    small business
  2. Firing Due to Obesity: Skinny Minnie

    With summer just around the corner we are once again seeing a noticeable increase in advertising whether it be on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, or social media related to losing weight (the last onslaught was, of course, during the months of December, January, and February – when was the last time you checked in on your resolutions?)

    Certainly we support the notion of maintaining a healthy weight for, well, health reasons. And small business owners should as well, ...
    small business
  3. Small Business: What Happened to Innovation, Creativity, and Flexibility?

    Innovation, creativity, and flexibility have become a small business battle cry in the last few years – and appropriately so. We found (find) ourselves in new and different economic territory where what may have once worked no longer works (or as well.) When faced with the new or different, logic will tell you that you’re going to need to respond to and embrace “new and different” in your small business as well.

    Yet, with all the attention focused on innovation, creativity, ...
    small business
  4. Small Business: How Not to Do It

    There are countless “How To” and “Top Ten” (or some other number) articles on the subject of starting up, sustaining, and growing a small business. We thought it might be fun to take a different tack and instead deliver some great ideas on how to at best stall your small business, at worst end up having to close your doors.

    Don’t waste time figuring out the vision or mission of your business. That way you won’t have even the most basic foundation necessary for making good business ...
    small business
  5. Small Business Talk

    “Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Small Biz Owner, Mark Montgomery, the Small Biz super hero, is shaking up Sacramento's morning commute with The Mark Montgomery Show. As a business owner/entrepreneur, founder of the California Small Business Coalition and now, Small Biz Talk Radio, he's fighting to empower the small business owner!”

    The quote above is from the About page on the California Small Business Talk Radio website. It goes on to say that “The Mark Montgomery ...
    small business
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