Angela Bell

Small Business: Beating the pavement is still the best advertising

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I am a new business owner, not an inexperienced one, but the owner of a recently opened restaurant serving what I refer to as “eat smart” food. I opened my cafeteria style restaurant on Friday, March 29, one week ago yesterday. I am now in what I refer to as Phase 6, the marketing phase, although I have been using social networking to spread the word for the past six months. That is how long it has been that I knew that somewhere in the upstate of South Carolina, I would locate the first “eat smart” kitchen. The marketing phase can consist of a wide variety of strategies, depending on the target demographics, the concept, the location, hours of operation, and the type of service and venue. In my case, it is cafeteria service, food that appeals to those who have dietary restrictions or are attempting to maintain physical fitness through diet and exercise.

I have had many suggestions from customers, friends, business associates and professional marketers as to how to proceed. Social networking is the number one recommendation which means the use of twitter, facebook, foursquare, email, blogs and such. Whew! Although I have a facebook page which I use frequently for the promotion of my writing assignments and books, developing a social network specifically for Beyond the Bull would require hours and hours of online presence. That is time that I cannot, as a new business owner, allocate to social networking.

What does that leave me? Well, why not do as the successful national pizza and fast food giants do--- hoof it through parking lots, leaving a trail of coupons and flyers behind, some blowing in the wind, some stuck steadfastly to the windshield. For just a few pennies for copies and a few dollars for couriers, thousands will know of my presence. If that is good enough for them, it is good enough for me!

Buon Appetito e Buona Salute, Chef Angela Bell

Beyond the Bull (an “eat smart” kitchen)

233 W. Main St., Central, SC 29630

small business
