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Thread: Advertising on Shopping Carts

  1. #1
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    David Hunter's Avatar

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    Default Advertising on Shopping Carts

    Have you ever advertised on shopping carts at grocery stores? You know, the ads that are on the front and inside of the shopping cart.

    This discussion came up in a real estate forum I'm apart of, and everyone who said they've tried it said they never got any business from it. So, I'm interested in hearing your stories.

    One thing I know is the agents who did the advertising had an ad that said to call them about selling or buying... LAME!!!!!!!

    So, it came to me... How could I get people to notice and respond to the ad??? I thought... how about offering a recipe (make it something interesting) on the ad along with your name, that you're in real estate, along with a picture of yourself.

    Let's see, the prospects are in the grocery store buying food to make something, why not make what's on your ad?

    Also, I would include a web address to a special webpage on my website so they can pick up the recipe later, and not have to write out the recipe (that would be a pain).

    Then, once they get to the special webpage with the recipe, I could offer them a free home sellers guide or something related to more recipes if they opt-in.

    This could work with insurance agents, automotive, HVAC, plumbers, etc.

    What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever tried shopping cart advertising?
    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing | Former Real Estate Agent

  2. #2
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    If I had a product or service that appealed primarily to women who shop for food for the family, I'd probably think it's worth exploring. But most of the products that would appeal to them are also the products that you'll likely find in the grocery store (which is what I mostly see on those ads).

    I don't think there's much success advertising something outside of that, because it's not something most people do more than glance at while they shop. You're better off with a billboard in the same neighborhood.

  3. #3
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    Dasim, can't get enough advertising!!!

    Freelancier... you got a point. What if the ad had some kind of recipe... maybe a specialty or something that's unique?
    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing | Former Real Estate Agent

  4. #4
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    The shopping cart ads I've seen are 8" square and situated at the far end of the cart, making it about 5-6' from me when I'm pushing the cart. That's pretty far away for most people to see more than a big picture and maybe a name without having to study it. And they won't study it, because they're more worried that they're going to forget to buy the stupid chicken they were planning to make for dinner.

    I just don't see it as a viable option for a general business. What's the monthly price of a shopping cart ad anyway?

  5. #5
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    No sure what the monthly price is. One guy emails us about once a month, but doesn't have prices. Wants us to contact him.

    True about being worried about forgetting to buy the stupid chicken! ha!
    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing | Former Real Estate Agent

  6. #6
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    huggytree's Avatar

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    i doubt it works

    advertising works if its radio/tv and its over,over,over,etc.............just throwing your name on a grocery cart = worthless

    ive stopped my advertising all together.....i dont see any difference besides a few thousand in my pocket....ive put all my effort into my website instead...something that shows results every day/week

    ive advertised on yard signs, golf course, church bulletins, newspaper..........the church bulletin was the only thing that had any return at all...and it was pitiful

  7. #7
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    Was your advertising mostly brand advertising or did you have some kind of call to action?
    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing | Former Real Estate Agent

  8. #8
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    I'll be honest, I do a TON of grocery shopping....and I couldn't tell you the last time I looked at those advertisements. The brains of the 21st century have been so inundated with advertising that we have have inadvertently trained ourselves to NOT see these kinds of media. They've become a type of graffiti in the world, I think.

    This is why marketing is one of the hardest aspects of starting a business. We now have to advertise our services in unique ways...and unique is hard to do when there are hundreds to thousands of people in your chosen market. Banner ads on websites and blogs have now replaced the "grocery store cart" ads, and click through rates on those are difficult as well. So the business owners goal should be to take stock of who your client is, where they hang out online, and how to spin your advertising in a new and exciting way that draws attention.

    Great conversation, btw!
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  9. #9
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    Not all advertising methods are beneficial to all businesses. Shopping cart advertising is a prime example. For the most part, shopping cart advertising is specifically for brand recognition of popular grocery store items that people buy on a regular basis; i.e. toothpaste, toiletries, crackers, breakfast foods, detergents...etc.

    A shopping cart advertisement may remind a shopper they need to buy more paper towels. Better yet, BOUNTY® paper towels. Or perhaps an advertisement of Kellogs® cereal may get that shopper to walk down the cereal isle. Even if the shopper isn't interested in that particular cereal shown in the ad, Kellogs® has 50 other options to choose from. The goal of the ad is to simply drive traffic to that particular area of the store where their products are located.

    You see, shopping cart advertising does have it's purpose... But it's not really beneficial or perhaps even intended for general business advertising.
    Last edited by BizAdvisor; 03-14-2015 at 05:11 PM.
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  10. #10
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    Default All Advertising Is Good! You guys are missing "KEY POINTS" in this forum!

    There is thousands of realtors in your community right? How do you become different than everyone else? By spending more MONEY! Sorry that might be kinda Bold, but that's the TRUTH.

    You need to be on the cover of every single ad in your community where you are going to farm. One thing people always forget is that Advertising is all about Recognition, the more they see you the more they will remember you! If I saw the same realtor over and over on every single advertising media including the Supermaket, chances are I will pick him because I will remember him. That's all that potential clients have to do is just to remember you.

    I don't know about you guys but I love the supermarket when I go shopping. It's the HUB of your Community, everyone who has to eat will go there. Average supermarket gets tens of thousands of shoppers per week. I don't know anywhere else where that many people go to every single week, over and over again in your community!

    Don't forget the supermarket spends millions of dollars on advertising! So why not piggy bank of that? Also don't forget the big picture, when clients see your face in large supermarket chains, they can trust you more!
    Last edited by EmilKazaryan; 07-13-2016 at 06:48 PM.


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