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Thread: How to turn my passion to a small business????

  1. #1

    Default How to turn my passion to a small business????

    I'm a first year engineering student as well as an electronics hobbyist and i'm willing to make some money from this. I have no idea how to run a small business and managing that. I've seen many websites making tutorials and selling project kits, microcontrollers and other parts they've use in that tutorials. I've not enough money for investment so I'm thinking about this as it'll also be energetic for me to make tutorials side by side selling products online. Any suggestions or ideas for me what to start with & how to manage..???

  2. #2


    It's very interesting that you would post this because my company has just begun a new serious of training materials outlining how to create and sell your own products for sale online. We specialize in helping real people create and grown businesses online, with everything you need included - like researching and planning your business, laying it out and building the content to draw free search engine traffic.

    If you want to check it out, you can learn more about us at Sitesell (dot) com.

    Good luck!

  3. #3


    Thank you Denise..

  4. #4


    You're starting from the wrong thought process. It shouldn't be "Here's what I like to do. Now how do I get paid doing it?"

    Instead, you should look for a demand in the marketplace and cater your services to that need.


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