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Thread: Social Media as a Marketing Tool

  1. #1
    Queen of the Forum
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    Default Social Media as a Marketing Tool

    I have used a lot of social media as a marketing tool for the various companies for which I work. I've used forums and other tools, to get the word out about our companies and what they do.

    In the time I've been doing this I've found there are two kinds of people on the forums and other sites. There are people who are truly there to contribute and market their businesses, and there are people who are there solely to market. The ones who contribute and market a bit on the side usually have immense credibility. The ones who only contribute when they want to push their own product or service usually lose credibility.

    Are you more likely to do business with someone who contributes to a social media site before they market their own product or service, or does that not matter to you? Do you just assume everyone is there to market?

  2. #2
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    I don't assume everyone is there to market. Some people just want to interact with the sites. I do expect people will market themselves to some degree though and I don't mind as long as it's not too much.

    When I see people do nothing but promote themselves it turns me off quickly. However if people are genuinely contributing and from time to time call attention to a product or a blog post I don't mind at all.
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  3. #3


    If your product requires relationship selling, then you're better off first being part of the community. If it's a transaction sale, being part of the community may not be important.

    Then again, maybe the people who go to forums only to market their businesses are having some success with this tactic. If they cast their line often enough, someone, somewhere will bite.
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  4. #4
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    Even if your sales are transaction being part of the community can still help. A certain amount of marketing is getting work out you exist. You don't have to be actively marketing yourself in order for people to know what you do or what you sell.

    I understand your point though and the distinction.

    One other thing to consider is that most people usually would like to see search engines sending them traffic. Links drive search rank to a great extent. Many people involved with social media also write blogs and run websites. Interacting with them more often leads to more links and consequently more search traffic.
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  5. #5
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    I've met and do business with people through forums and blogs, but the people with whom I want to do business are the ones who contribute. I'm not interested in the person who is just there to say "look what I did" and is constantly pushing his or her own agenda. I think you have to give before you can get. If you're just there to constantly get, you're doing yourself and the venue a disservice.

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    I don't think I have ever gained a client from any discussion forum in which I participate. Thus, marketing is not the reason I participate. I imagine that anyone using social media for marketing putposes is spending a lot of time and I would question the efficacy of the strategy.

  7. #7
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    Your success with social media and forums depends on a number of factors. It might be more natural for some people and some businesses than others.

    Social media can help extend the reach of your brand and you don't need to actively market yourself to have it work. Traditionally branding has been an expensive proposition. Social media changes gives you an opportunity to extend the reach of your brand without having to spend the money.

    It is or at least can be time consuming, but the time is still within reasonable means.
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  8. #8
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    I think social media is a way to make connections. I first met both the Steves on a forum. I've made connections for our companies through blogs. I did all those things in part to get the word out about our companies, but also because I was looking to become part of a community. I think the fact that I was genuine came through.

    Marketing yourself through social media does take time, but it can be worth it. Particularly when you're starting out, time may be the thing you're most able to spend.

  9. #9
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    Good lord.... missed this thread.

    I have had an ongoing love/hate relationship with Social Media Marketing. Initially I was very hard on it as I felt it is more the domain of arger companies that actually have the budgets for branding activities.

    Over the last year of butting heads with SMM peeps I have come to find more value in it (SEO, CRM, Qual Research etc..) and have loosened my grip somewhat (to the point of blogging for a SMM blog)

    Now, that doesn't mean I am lovin it tho....

    I still think it is VERY important for businesses to understand the goals for the undertaking. It can easily become a time sink that costs far more than it is worth. It really does need to be planned out and benchmarked (primary and secondary goals).

    One of the last things it should be (to my mind) is a conversions/sales tool. While getting the odd primary conversion is nice, rarely the goal of most SMM programs.

    ..... as for forums, I am just a chatty guy that likes to pitch in here and there when I get the chance... once upon a time it was also a great way to cut my teeth in SEO world.
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  10. #10
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    How did you miss this post until now Dave?

    I go back and forth on it too sometimes. In general I think social media has a lot of pros. It's a great way to connect with people in and out of your industry and I know I've formed many relationships solely through social sites.

    I've definitely seen an increase in traffic and links since becoming more involved with social media as I've become part of some conversations.

    At the same time it's easy to get frustrated with it. Sometimes you do come across people who are only interested in marketing themselves or you see people being all too cliquish and you feel like you're back in high school.
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