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Thread: What do you think about this idea of customer engagement on mobile?

  1. #1

    Default What do you think about this idea of customer engagement on mobile?

    Rich customer experience on Mobile is one of the most important things today needed by brands, retailers and businesses. Our idea is to help them get this without having to hire developers or spending time on building them. Here's the basic summary of the platform we are planning to build and whole workflow of how this will work:

    Platform capabilities: Choose from a group of engagements like mini-games(tic-tac-toe/scratch card/rotating wheels), contests(lucky draw, etc), quizzes(trivia about your business or your line of business) and customize them for your own brands.

    Running the campaign: Share the engagement link using short-url/qrcode. Offer a freebie or a discount copon if they win the game/contest(you can customize the winning conditions, like at least 3 correct answers in quizzes, 4 straight wins in a simple game, etc).

    Benefits: Rich customer experience, social sharing about the engagement by happy customers, lead generation.

    Would like to know your take on this. Does this idea and the whole workflow sounds like it will help marketors and brands?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Ontario, Canada


    This type of mobile marketing wouldn't help me nor my customers at all. Then again, I'm in a very narrow B2B niche that demands a high skill set. Games will more than likely turn off my customers and send them to my competition.
    Brad Miedema
    Fulcrum Saw & Tool

  3. #3
    Web Consultant
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    Aug 2008
    Las Vegas
    Blog Entries


    Games wouldn't appeal to me or my clientele either, however, I can see how this may be a fun promotional tool for some companies in industries that appeal to that demographic.
    Last edited by Harold Mansfield; 09-16-2014 at 06:02 PM.

  4. #4


    Thanks a ton for your feedback!


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