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Thread: Knowing where to focus

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Knowing where to focus

    Hi All,

    I have been struggling for a few weeks now trying to figure out where to focus my time for the best results. The problem that i am having is that i have a lot of different projects that i am or want to work on and cannot work out where to focus my time. I suppose the biggest problem is that i would like to focus the time on something that is going to pay off sooner rather than later, but i just cannot seem to figure out which area of the things i have that is going to be.

    As such much of my time at the moment is getting directed towards time waster like activities. Things like twitter and such not because it is actually going to show the specific return that i want to see, although it may or may not end up showing a good return. But more so because there is a quantitative feel to it. eg i can share a link and see the direct result in people clicking through, and while this is not a actual return on investment financially it is in respect to potentially building a readership.

    I am interested to hear how others decide what to focus their time on and what they do to avoid the fall back to effective time wasters (eg twitter).

    Thanks for your input.
    Joel Brown
    My Travels

  2. #2


    I set yearly and monthly goals and I work to make these happen... by setting goals and working towards them, I find that I achieve what I want and I don't waste much time on things that don't relate to achieving my goals.

    It is way to easy to get distracted doing something because it feels right... when in fact it isn't helping you to get to were you want to be... my advise is to sit down and work on some goals... put them in order and break them down... now focus on these and let the rest sort it self out.
    Steve Cartwright
    FX Digital Pty Ltd
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  3. #3
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    when i do anything i always think MONEY....#2- I think Long term....

  4. #4
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    I do the same as Steve in setting yearly and monthly goals. I'll also set weekly and daily goals. For example a yearly goal will have many smaller goals within. Say I expect to complete the main goal in 6 months. There might be 6 smaller goals to achieve the larger goal, each taking roughly a month. I'll set asides blocks of time weekly to make sure I'm working toward the monthly goal, which keeps me working toward the overall goal.

    The key is really prioritizing what you want to get done and then setting aside time to work at it in smaller chunks. You can only so much, which is why you have to prioritize. There are things I'd like to do that I know will wait for next year if I'm to complete this year's goals.

    As far as actually doing the work no one can help you with that part. You have to set aside time and then use the time. The priority part we can probably help with though we'll need more detail.

    One thing about Twittering and engaging in tasks solely because they're quantifiable. Focus your efforts on that which progresses your overall goal. Focusing on things just because you can measure their effects keeps you from your goal. If those quantifiable tasks help you achieve your goal then by all means do them, but if they don't it's irrelevant whether or not you can measure them.
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