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Thread: Hello, I'm new

  1. #1

    Default Hello, I'm new


    My name is Ludovic, a French living in New zealand and have just opened my small business to simplify small businesses
    Hobbies are business, travel, science and of course drink wine (white, red, rose...everything) and Champagne.
    I'm here to discuss with people about small business, help people if I can and meet people.

    Happy 1rst of december (NZ time)
    Iprosh : provides online tools for small business to easily manage online your work and clients with website, portfolio, blog, online store, booking application, project tools. Use what you need or get everything

  2. #2


    Hello Ludovic, nice to "meet" you!
    Would love to know more about your concept to simplify small business!
    Dufferin Media
    Social Media Management

  3. #3
    Post Impressionist
    vangogh's Avatar

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    Welcome to the forum Ludovic. I'm sure most people here would be happy to simplify their business so you picked the right place. Looking forward to getting to know you and thanks for joining the community.
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  4. #4



    Thanks for you messages

    My business is to give possibility for freelancer or really small businesses to save time and money by having an all in one solution with a front end solution (website, portfolio, blog, booking app, online store) and secured back end solutions (project management tool : time tracking, invoice, work online with client, tasks etc...).
    I made this business when I have seen friends and small businesses who wanted an online presence for their business but without spending time and money by managing everything with different accounts, passwords etc..

    Target is more : engineering freelancer, designer, producer (video, picture...) even if every businesses can use as the tools can be use separetely and disable if needed.

    My main difficulty is the marketing (as a lot of small business I guess)
    Iprosh : provides online tools for small business to easily manage online your work and clients with website, portfolio, blog, online store, booking application, project tools. Use what you need or get everything

  5. #5
    Registered User
    David Hunter's Avatar

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    Cleveland, Ohio


    Welcome, Ludovic!!!

    I'm a big water drinker (Good 'ole plain water). :-)

    Yep, seems marketing is a big problem for more businesses (not just small).

    Think Dan Kennedy's Marketing Triangle: You have to get the RIGHT MESSAGE to the RIGHT MARKET using the RIGHT MEDIA (you can even turn this into a square and add, "at the RIGHT TIME.")

    Oh, and here's a big tip: See how everyone else is doing their marketing... and do the opposite!! Remember, if you follow the herd you'll get slaughtered with the herd.
    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing | Former Real Estate Agent

  6. #6


    I drink water too but after wine to not have headache the day after

    Yes I'm trying different way but complicated sometimes
    Yesterday, I have launched a facebook campaign, look good for my target but a little bit worried about all the possibility to target people with facebook, every information in a profile user can be use + behavior.
    Iprosh : provides online tools for small business to easily manage online your work and clients with website, portfolio, blog, online store, booking application, project tools. Use what you need or get everything

  7. #7
    Registered User
    David Hunter's Avatar

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    Cleveland, Ohio



    Marketing is all about testing. The more you know about your prospect the better. Let us know how it goes!
    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing | Former Real Estate Agent

  8. #8


    Hahah I completely stop facebook ads.
    I have tried by by click, all my daily budget spent on 1 hour but no conversion, weird
    Tried after with impression and exactly the same click...
    I think facebook has bots to click.

    I will never again make ads on facebook, waste of time and money
    Iprosh : provides online tools for small business to easily manage online your work and clients with website, portfolio, blog, online store, booking application, project tools. Use what you need or get everything


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