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Thread: Getting more customers

  1. #1

    Default Getting more customers

    I've started with my friend a small business cleaning boats in our area. It's been about two weeks and we've had three customers the boats we clean are at our neighborhood lake and were looking to attract more people from our neighborhood and others. Any ideas are welcome.

  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forum Ryan. A certain amount of gaining customers is time. You do a good job for the customers you have and they spread the word. It's the best way to get customers, but it does take time.

    The first thing to think about is who are the people likely to become customers. I'm not sure where you're located or what lake is the neighborhood lake, but I would think you're dealing with a relative small market size. Large enough to build a business, but small narrow enough to let you focus your marketing. Do all the boats dock in the same place? If so that would be the place to get the word out. If you can advertise there find a way to advertise there.

    If people are docking their boats in private areas, you have to find a different way to reach them. Odds are there are a few places where you could reach most of the people who might hire you.

    Once you know where to reach people, you'll probably just need to let them know you exist and what you do and how find out the answers to their common questions.

    I'm making it sound easier than it is, but that's the general idea.
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  3. #3
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    Ask your satisfied customers for referrals and leave business card at places people with boats frequent. Also ask your customers to leave a review on whatever website listings you are on.

    Good luck!


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