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Thread: Floor coverings business

  1. #1

    Default Floor coverings business

    Hello, my name is Nick.
    I'm new to this forum. I would like to start own business. It is floor coverings. Hardwood floor (install, sanding), tile, carpet.
    Constraction and remodeling this is good for me.
    I've lived in the USA for 1.5 year. I live in Columbus OH. I'd like to hear your advice, how to start my own business (search customers, employees etc.)

  2. #2
    Post Impressionist
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    Welcome to the forum Nick. Do you have more specific questions? It's hard to answer such general questions in a meaningful way. To find customers you figure out who would be likely to become a customer, figure out how to reach those people, and then convince them to hire you for their floor covering needs. If you don't know anyone to become an employee, you'll want to place a classified ad somewhere to find employees.
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  3. #3
    Refugee from the .com
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    Welcome, Nick. You'll find this forum to contain a lot of info to help you as well as members willing to answer your questions.

    To start, I would advise doing some research on forming a business plan. You need to map out a strategy and get a realistic perspective on what it will take to succeed.

    I'm guessing your choice of business means you have experience with flooring. You might be able to form some strategic alliances with other contractors who may need this service but don't do the actual flooring themselves. An example would be a remodeler. Most probably do their own flooring work but you may find some who don't. General contractors would be more likely to work with you but the caveat is many of them shop on price. If you do great work, your market is smaller but the pay is higher. Some GC's realize their own reputation is on the line with subs and will pay better because of it.

    One issue you need to be prepared to deal with is that English is apparently not your native language. Your strategy will need to compensate for that. Clear communication is vital for your business. If you have to hire a salesperson, it might seem like an added expense but if they are qualified, they'll more than pay for themselves.
    Steve Chittenden

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