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Thread: Contact for My Business Plan, Press pack and Agent commercial

  1. #1

    Default Contact for My Business Plan, Press pack and Agent commercial

    I have several questions,
    I am French and I have created my company, specialized in mobile games (Android and ios). I have made my business plan and am now looking for investor for about 300 000€. That is why I would like to send my business plan.
    My business plan is fully in English because it is adressed to international banks (British, American or Indian bank), who would invest rather than French ones. (because I'm not sure that french banker will easily invest on IT and on a start-up in game application, but anglo-saxon bank can be more interested.)
    Do you know who should I contact ? Should I only send an e-mail ? I'm afraid of having any response ? It's my first business so I don't really know how to get investments, but my business plan is solid.

    Also, i have to write my 30 pages Business Plan in English. I would like to be ensured that my english is proper and without grammatical error, so I am searching someone to check my Business Plan and correct my grammatical mistakes.

    Other question, my team is working on a game in order to promote the candidature of Paris for the JO of 2024.
    The game is now ready to be available on the stores and I'd like to contact some medias in order to inform them about the game.
    My team has build a solid press pack but I d'ont know how to share it ? Who to send it ? Is this by e-mail ? Because I'm afraid that no one will even read our press pack.
    I'd be very grateful if someone could help me, because it's the first time I'm dealing with stuff like Press Pack and Media.

    Also, i have started my company on the selling of mobile applications.
    My start up produces applications for big companies. I am struggling to contact companies.
    I've heard about commercial agents but I don't really know how it works.

    Can someone could explain me how it works and what should I do ? I feel very lost with my first business, so if someone could advise me, I'd be very grateful :-)

    I would be very thankful ! :-)

  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forum Marjiah.

    First you're English is fine in general. I think having someone check your business plan is a good idea, but in general your English is good. It's certainly better than my French.

    I think to find investors or media to help spread the word, you have to make connections with people. There's not going to be one place to go to find the right phone numbers or email addresses. With the media you want to think how your press pack can help them. Trying to think of a reason why a journalist or local television station would benefit by sharing information about your game application. You mentioned Paris and the 2024 olympics. That will be of interest to people in Paris and France in general. You should be able to find newspapers, magazines, television, etc. that run stories about it. Look for journalists who have covered the topic and then do your best to find a way to contact them. Then pitch them a story idea about how your application will help with the olympics. The idea is to think of how you can help the journalist and not think about it in terms of them helping you.

    I doubt there's any one place where you can find contact information for every media source. You'll probably need to do research on your own and build a list of contacts for now and the future.

    English banks probably won't be any easier to approach than French ones. Usually banks become interested once you've proven to them your company is already making money. Is there a reason you need investment? I'm not an expert in financing so I don't want to offer misleading advice. I know many people start a business and think they need financial investment, but often they don't. There might be ways to bootstrap your business, at least initially to get it going and then approach investors so you can expand the business. I'll let others offer more, since this isn't my area of expertise.

    Hopefully something in there helps and know that we all felt lost when first starting. It's normal to feel that way in the beginning, but little by little the confusion clears up. Hang in there.
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  3. #3
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    I would look at your plan, but to be honest I would be more inclined to review it for content and presentation than just grammar. I hate to be negative , especially with new entrepreneurs, but advice is only good if real. I do not know much about the app industry, but it is unlikely that any bank will invest in a a start up, as vangough also mentioned.

    Start ups require risk capital. Regular banks don't do that and your deal is too small for investment banks. You have to find the "sweet spot" of lower end venture cap guys. It is not easy. You might consider equity crowdfunding or find other venture groups.

    On media you can do that yourself but not sure where that will help too much with investors unless you can target very specific media. It usually costs to do that. You may try PR Newswire. You can pick industries to target. They send it out to the editors and sometimes you get lucky and somebody will call with interest. PR Newsire doesn't publish in any particular media, it just sends out the release to the editors basically.


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