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Thread: Do you feel local radio or TV advertising is worth considering?

  1. #1

    Default Do you feel local radio or TV advertising is worth considering?

    Full disclosure: I work for a radio and TV advertising company (although we are a small family business). I’m hoping for some insights from business owners about their perceptions of advertising on local radio or television. Does broadcast-media remain a consideration for you today versus search-marketing or social media? Have you advertised on radio or TV in the past, but have since ceased? What’s putting you off using them? If you were to consider advertising on radio or TV who would you logically think about contacting first?

    Thanks for any insights you've got,

  2. #2
    Web Consultant
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    Well, my personal opinion is that radio as an entertainment medium is dead. Too much cookie cutter corporate repetition and steaming services and satellite offer far more now. They missed the boat and listener-ship is all but gone.

    However, it depends on your business. Anyone who still listens to radio is mostly doing so in their cars. At home most people like me fire up their subscription service or play their, podcast, or own collection.

    I haven't listened to commercial radio in over 8+ years. Internet radio and podcasts are how I do it now. In the car, it's my own music or Sirius/XM.

    If you think you can reach your demographic (people who don't have updated tech in their cars or older people who still listen to commercial radio) in their car, then it's still viable.

    My Mom for instance, listens to her local Gospel station frequently. However, recently she asked me how she could stream it through her Amazon Echo and there was no option to do that because the station is not available through any streaming platforms. If she finds a similar station on a streaming service they'll lose my Mom as a listener just like that.

    If I owned a brick and mortar, or a restaurant, or were having an event I may consider radio. Again depends on who my target market is.

    With all the bad things I've said about radio, I'd still like to own a radio station and put my ideas for innovation to the test. So I still believe that it could be viable, just that no one is seizing the opportunity to break out of the death spiral and try something different.

  3. #3


    Thanks Harold, that's very useful. I spotted you're in Vegas - which is interesting because what you describe is identical to the situation here in the UK. The most successful stations are the ones which have retained a unique offering or serve a very specific audience.

  4. #4


    I think the main problem with TV advertising is the perception that it's too expensive. And in most towns it actually is. Even more problematic is that you can't link it directly with top line sales. When it comes to radio, I just listen to it as a means of having something to cut through the silence while driving my car. I suspect most people use it the same way. So it's not a very effective medium of delivering and reinforcing a promotional message.

  5. #5


    Despite all the criticism for high cost of tv advertising, there is still a greater possibility to reach a larger target audience. As for radio advertising, more than 60% of 18+ people listen to the radio daily. The main difference between them is that tv ads is more expensive and can generate a larger audience, while radio ads is less expensive and still offers more spots.

  6. #6


    TV/Radio will probably never die. It is and will just not be the dominant force that it was once. There will therefore always be a place for both. A place, time specific avenue for them.
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  7. #7
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    I would consider TV Advertising as an effective medium to reach your target audience but we all know that this kind of method is expensive and you must have an allocated budget for this ad campaign.

  8. #8


    that is extremely valuable. I seen you're in Vegas - which is intriguing in light of the fact that what you portray is indistinguishable to the circumstance here in the UK. The best stations are the ones which have held a one of a kind offering or serve an unmistakable crowd.

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    I listen to radio constantly in the car. It is very effective on me for LOCAL businesses and events. It puts the names of many local businesses in my head. It doesn't necessarily cause me to respond immediately BUT when I do need a service or product the names I hear on radio definitely drive my choice. Radio also alerts me to local concerts and events I would not have otherwise known about.

    However, national product ads have very little impact. I'm just particularly supportive of local business.


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