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Thread: Collecting bad debt.

  1. #1

    Default Collecting bad debt.

    I own a successful automotive parts store in Indiana and I am currently having trouble collecting from a customer. I have owned this store for 20 years and this is the first time I have had this problem. I have filed with my attorney and have had four court dates, he was a no show each time. I am trying to get a warrant for his arrest but I am I must follow procedure which includes several more court dates. This has gone on for six months and could last several more. In the past few months my customer has been evicted, closed his business, lost a job, arrested for back child support, and moved out of town. Has anyone had to deal with a situation like this before? I am very frustrated, I don't know if I should continue or forget about it. He owes over $4000.00.

  2. #2
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    I hate to say it but it sounds like your chances of getting paid are about as good as my chances of winning the lottery without buying a ticket.
    Ray Badger, Turbo Technologies, Inc.

  3. #3


    You're probably right.

  4. #4
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    You can't get blood from a stone. Even if you get a judgement to garnish his wages, what wages? He's so far behind you'll have to get in line and child support comes first. And even then you'll likely be getting tens of dollars a paycheck. Maybe.

    Sounds like it's a loss.

    If he's been a good customer for a long period of time, and knowing you'll probably never collect ( and he's not being a jerk about it) maybe create some good karma for yourself and let him off the hook for the legal issues, wish him well and that if he gets back on his feet not to forget about you.

  5. #5
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    Didn't think debtor's prison was still a thing. Write off the debt as bad debt and take the loss. Even spending money on a lawyer to try and collect is throwing good money at bad.
    Brad Miedema
    Fulcrum Saw & Tool


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