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Thread: Giving potential customers clear and direct instructions

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Giving potential customers clear and direct instructions

    I've been told to do this on ads, mailers, websites etc...Now I know why.

    But even if you do, there's still a handful of people that don't follow it.

    I generally have "Check the website for more details", or something like that, printed on my mailers, but it amazes me how many people call and ask questions that would be answered if they just look on the website. I also have samples that can be printed off the site and I get calls asking if they can see some samples.

    On the bright side I guess it's better to have that one on one conversation with a potential customer to close a sale.

  2. #2
    Web Consultant
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    Some people need to have their hand held, and many just skim the information quickly and if they don't see what they are looking for immediately, they don't look any further.

    The good thing is that people are calling to ask questions. Nothing beats one on one interaction.

  3. #3


    It's one of those things you're going to have to accept and move past. You can only do so much to direct people to the correct link on your site. You would think you could expect someone to read your mailer before calling you, but a lot of people will see a phone number and call right away. I am with eborg - your potential to close a sale when they call and speak directly to you is much higher than having them try to figure something out on their own, no matter how easy you've made it for them.

    I have instruction templates for design, uploading, proof acquisition, and order placement that I email to people that call in and want more information and samples. I give them all of this up front so they have everything they could possibly need. What happens? They call and ask how to design, upload, get their proofs, and place orders. So I have my guys walk every customer through their first order every step of the way, this guarantees we get the job and it reduces the chance for any errors.

    People aren't going to all get smarter or start reading more, I really don't think it's going to happen. Every product on my site explains the exact requirements we have for file setup, and since we've implemented that we have seen a reduction in file setup questions. I do expect 10+ calls a day asking things like "what is your company called?" and while I have managed to stop handling these calls personally, I think every customer deserves to have whatever questions they have answered in whatever way they are most comfortable with.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Yeah. I'm very nice to the customers when they call and ask questions. It would be stupid of me not too.


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