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Thread: Online Businesses - Do You Even Need a Business Phone Number Anymore?

  1. #1

    Default Online Businesses - Do You Even Need a Business Phone Number Anymore?

    I'm pretty sure I've never called up before and I don't even think they have a phone number...probably a lot of online businesses don't have one anymore.

    With the ability to answer questions with a FAQ, e-mail people, use online form submissions and even use online live in-person chat all from your web browser, is a business phone number even necessary anymore? If you think its necessary, who would you recommend I get a toll-free phone number from?
    Soon to be online business owner

  2. #2
    Refugee from the .com
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    A toll free number depends on your business, but some kind of phone number on your contact info is still highly reccommended. If there is no phone number, anyone trying to get a hold of you is forced to rely on you answering emails or form submissions. Those who are either scamming or providing poor service don't want phone calls. Allowing customers to contact you through a physical address and a phone number shows you are a real business and builds trust.
    Steve Chittenden

    Web design, graphic design, professional writing, and marketing.

    "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt

  3. #3


    Not posting a phone number is the first sign the business is not legit. If I'm on a site and can't easily find a phone number I bail.

  4. #4
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    First you can contact Amazon by phone (1-866-216-1072), it is not to difficult to find, just search contact us on their site. They also have a call back feature so you dont have to even call them, you just enter your phone number and they will call you.

    Having a phone number (not mobile number) on your website, can show potential customer's there is somewhere they can contact you without having to do it impersonally on the computer via email. While there are many sites and businesses on the internet that do not offer a phone number in anyway on their website's almost any business that offers a physical product has a number somewhere, finding it can some times be difficult. If they don't list a phone number most people tend to be a little wary.

    This is besides the fact that a phone line can be cut off at any time, however mostly they are registered in the name of a person and that at least gives people somewhere to start if the site is a scam of some sort.
    Joel Brown
    My Travels

  5. #5
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    I jump ship if I can't find a phone number. One time I bought something from someone without a phone number and I won't let it happen again.
    Steve B

  6. #6
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    Legitimacy is the key to success. No phone number? You don't get my business. I take it one step further: No TOLL-FREE Number? You don't get my business either.

    It's extremely easy and affordable for anyone to get a toll-free number these days. You can have all calls routed to email or your cell phone. Try to make your company look 'BIG' even though it's not.

  7. #7
    Queen of the Forum
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    I wouldn't buy from someone who doesn't have a phone number on their site. That's one of the main pieces of advice I give people who ask for site reviews. Make sure you have multiple forms of contact information on your site (snail mail, e-mail and phone) and make sure that information is easy to find.

  8. #8
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    Kristine that is one thing that i noticed with Amazon, even though i was able to find there contact details quite quickly i do not think it would be anywhere near as easy for a regular browser. I scanned the home page could not see a contact us link (may have missed it) and straight away put in the search box contact us and found it in about 30 seconds, however it was a small text result compared to a lot of product results.

    I do buy odd things from sites that don't offer a phone number but in every case they have been low cost electronic products that i had read many good reviews from other users. Which i had no problem with any but i guess there could have been that chance, i think that it helped they all accepted payment through paypal.
    Joel Brown
    My Travels

  9. #9
    Queen of the Forum
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    A lot of the bigger companies do make it harder to find contact information Joel, which is, in my opinion, a real flaw in their customer service plan. I know why they do it, because it saves on having to staff a call center and train reps, but not every company can get away with it.

    I always make it a point to have all our contact information clearly stated on all our sites. I think it reassures the customers and I know it certainly makes us seem easier to deal with.

  10. #10


    I can count on my fingers the clients and prospects who call me. But there are some, and that is their preferred method of contact. Mine is email, but for some they just seem to prefer the phone.

    Half of my business is outside the US and I'll get more calls from those people, particularly before they actually become a client. I think they just want to know there is a real person at the other end.

    In the hosting business, I'll also get some who simply want to be stepped through the keystrokes by someone, rather than follow printed directions.

    But regardless, I'd still maintain a business phone number, as well as a toll-free number. The toll-free is free, just pay 2.9 cents per minute and the bill is never over $ 10 or 12 per month, in-coming and out-going.

    Total maybe $ 35 a month and it establishes legitimacy and keeps people from getting my family on the home phone line. I've got 2 2-line phones in my home office, all the others are single line for the published number. My family won't answer the business line, will let it go to voice mail if I'm not there.


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