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Thread: A new and improved logo???

  1. #11
    Refugee from the .com
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    I didn't like the old font at all, so that needed a change, but I don't think the new script is all that great either. I think the coffee bean graphic worked into the new design was clever, but I didn't notice that until it was pointed out. Overall, my initial reaction was not favorable. I can't really claim to like the new design. And I also agree that the name pretty much binds them to a "nothern" image no matter what they do with the graphic.

    The write up sounded like ad agency snob speak to me too. I guess that sells, or sells the execs, but I find it rather stuffy. When I read something like that, I can't help but think, "Yeah right, I'm sure everybody who sees it will be thinking exactly the same thing" (sarcasm). I can't help but conjur up unflattering mental images of the people who write like that. Maybe I'm just cruel, but I have to wonder how the general public responds to that kind of ad speak.
    Steve Chittenden

    Web design, graphic design, professional writing, and marketing.

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  2. #12
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    I'm too late to see the old style, so I can only comment on the new one in a general sense.

    I agree with David that the typeface is too stylized to be instantly "readable." Until someone pointed out that it was a leaping Caribou with the spoons forming the body, I didn't get the picture. (Didn't read the blurb, either.) That just proves I'm no artist. <weak smile>

    Logos should be elegantly simple to identify and serve as a visual anchor. Look at the IBM, Nike, and Adidas, for examples. They should not attempt to "convey" a message. They should not call studied attention to themselves, such as this new one. If the reader studies the logo, the artist has lost the subliminal battle to get the reader to anchor, identify, and move on in a single fluid movement.

    Instead the "artwork" becomes the focus--game over. Well, not necessarily over, but the effect is to "fork" the readers attention in a way that is NOT desirable for the fluid flow to the desired action.

    True, there are times you want to interrupt that flow, but at the logo is not one of them.

    We, as marketers, want to control the subliminal flow and response. A "logo stutter" is not helpful to that process.


  3. #13
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    On the other hand if someone takes extra time to study your logo and think about it, then it's much more likely they'll remember it later. If they haven't attached the brand to the logo then remembering it won't mean anything, but if they have made that association, it's not necessarily bad for them to take extra time with your logo.
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  4. #14
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    hard to read...i wouldnt have any font in my logo which i couldnt clearly read in less than 1 second...i wouldnt use this logo


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