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Thread: Need Online Store Advice

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Need Online Store Advice

    My signficant other and I are intending to open an online Zazzle Store. Because its Zazzle we do not need any material just design products and collect royalties. Though it can be considered easy profit, owning a store is open to anyone. We intend on having a professional quality layout aswell as a site to attain 15% referal sales on top of Royalties.

    We would like to make it possible to make if highly profitable, have the avenue to make it a brand or open some type embroidery or graphic tee kiosk or small store if that became an opportunity to look into.

    But were not ahead of ourselves which is why id like to learn anything in particular to take into consideration. Anyone can have a bright idea but we want to raise the standards of quality products, store layouts, and profit on Zazzle entirely based upon anything i can learn and apply into to our plans we thought of an November opening but we postponed it so we can have a more thorough idea.

    Thanks and appreciation for all advice in advance.

  2. #2
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    It sounds simple and the basics are...spend for a great, user friendly design, have a great product and learn all you can about SEO, Web Marketing, including Social Networking and Traffic generation.
    Traffic is the whole darn shooting match and the hardest thing to accomplish online. Like you said, ideas are a dime a dozen..anyone can build or pay to have a website built. Generating traffic...the right traffic...and converting that traffic into sales...that's the hard part.

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    I agree Zazzle allows you to promote yourself through facebook, twitter, and myspace. Basically adding every product you post there will we posted on those networking sites. We want to buy extended licensing of a monster vector at this particular moment 58 people bought it im not sure they have the extended right to it but its a considerate amount.

    Should we want to wait for a new vector or that vector to have an update?

  4. #4
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    I don't know anything about that particular program, so I can't really comment on how to work it. I dabble in affiliate marketing myself with maybe 20 or so websites...(4 that actually make money) and I will tell really is not about the system or how the program is set up.

    The biggest key to making money online is knowing SEO and how to generate traffic. I will reiterate that it is not easy. It's actually the hardest thing that you will ever do. Opening and driving traffic to a physical store is easier. There are a lot of variables online and building an income takes knowledge...and then time and/or money.
    If you build it, they will not come. You have to go out and find them, engage them, build their trust and entice them to make a purchase and you have to do it while a million other people are vying for the same traffic that you are trying to capture.

    Promoting via Social Networking is a skill set all it's own and is saturated with businesses shouting "look at me, isn't the coolest product that you have ever seen?"
    It is a true battlefield out there.

    I don't say this to discourage you, I'm saying it so that you get a realistic view of what it will take to be successful and so that you know how much work it will take.
    Last edited by Harold Mansfield; 08-21-2010 at 08:14 PM.

  5. #5
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    I actually know someone else who sells her art at Zazzle. I'm not sure how it works, but in her case they (at least I think it's Zazzle who does it) print her original art onto various items--mugs, shoes, etc. Buyers use paypal to purchase. Not sure of the similarities, but hers reminded me of an Etsy store.

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    I agree completely eborg9. Im humbling experience i dont strive to be a millionaire just set the blue print to be successful. I agree networking is even more difficult to do as though it was in person. Would you mind telling me what SEO stands for and what it means?

    dynocat, exactly Zazzle does all the printing and shipping. But its an everybody thing its free to open stores. Im want to learn how to take a better approach going into it so that i can be more successful and have an opportunity if it arises to consider a simular small business.

  7. #7


    To be realistic, you have a years worth of research and education to be competitive. You need to know how to do the things that eborg was discussing. SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It what you do on your site to help get high placement in google or other search engines. It includes the proper use of keywords on the site, linking, and other content or site design issues.

    You didn't mention if you know html or other programming languages. You will at least need to pick up some html.

    A lot of people here like wordpress. It allows you to put up a site quickly. Still the more you know about site design, the better off you will be.

    T shirt sites are a dime a dozen. You are really going to have to do something to differentiate yourself. I'd start with a wordpress hobby site and keep studying and working on the site. Remember, even well done sites don't make money right away. It takes time. A good rule of thumb is a year or so.

  8. #8
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    One way is to learn and master search engine marketing - thus, those customers who are looking for your type of products will come and find you.

    There are numerous tools to help you not only easily create your own website but to help you market it to your customers (which is the really key to driving in more customers).

    When I started out 2 years ago, I was in your same position - not knowing where to start or how to get started. After years of trial and error - I found what worked for me.

    Here is a great site where you can find some information about creating a site (some are free resources) and how to market your website properly - to ensure that your customers can find you easily.

  9. #9
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    I ran a similar store at Cafepress... I crashed and burned but had a lot of fun! I gave it up though since they kept taking more money and making it harder to make a profit.

    Good luck with yours! When you get it set up, I'd love to see it.
    Ted, Appreciation Marketing Consultant


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