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Thread: Hello from Tennessee!

  1. #1

    Default Hello from Tennessee!

    My name is Ryan. I have always been somewhat self-employed, running a recording studio, website work, and a lot of non-profit work. I was director of a youth arts organization for a few years and recently resigned, now being a stay at home dad and picking up projects helping people with music, website design, marketing, what ever I can get my hands on that sounds fun.

    I am currently starting an organization that teaches kids to play music by offering private lessons, group lessons where kids are placed in bands with each other and learn to play music as a rock band. I ran an all ages music venue for a few years and am now re-launching a new one with this organization.

    I am 25, got married a year ago and have a 7 month old baby boy. I really appreciate all the help and am looking forward to talking with other small business owners. Wish I had found a place like this years ago.


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Queen of the Forum
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    Welcome to the forum. I love the idea about getting kids together and playing in bands. I would have loved that when I was a kid.

  4. #4


    Ryan, great to have you join us. It sounds like you have a really interesting mix of things to bring to our little community.

  5. #5
    Refugee from the .com
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    Ryan, now that you've started an intro thread, let me welcome you again. Great to have you with us.
    Steve Chittenden

    Web design, graphic design, professional writing, and marketing.

    "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt

  6. #6
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    Glad to have you here Ryan!

    I LOVE the music idea you are going with. I have a cousin who has a band in Chicago - one that is starting to make a name for itself! He started playing classical viola when he was 7 or 8 years old and took private lessons as well as being involved in the school music programs until he graduated from High School. As an adult he's taken some music classes in college as well. I'm simply jealous he can play anything he wants to play, understands theory and writes most of his bands music I play piano, organ and have been figuring out the accordion - but it takes me a lot of work and doesn't sound near as good as what he does! But that's ok, since I love him Anyway... all that to say that he has encouraged me to start my 3 yr old in piano lessons NOW. the problem is finding a teacher that will take them that young. Sugar (my 3 yr old's web name) is very musically inclined, so I've been showing her a little on the piano at home and making sure she's exposed to lots of music - different styles, different instruments, etc... I love music, so that's an easy task to do!
    Crazy Dog Creative: Graphic Design and Marketing

  7. #7
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    Welcome to the forum Ryan.
    I believe every person should learn how to play an instrument - you rock on!

  8. #8
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    Welcome to the forum Ryan. Sounds like you already have a lot of experience and interesting experience at that. I agree with Jenn, the music idea sounds like a good one. Looking forward to getting to know you better as well.

    Thanks for joining the community.
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    Hey Boogle! Wow, we have a lot in common. I also teach music (guitar) and help a friend out in his recording studio. I hope to see you around the forums a lot! Let's see what we can learn from each other.
    Ted, Appreciation Marketing Consultant


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