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Thread: When you go on vacation, do you SAY you are on vacation??

  1. #1
    Dan Furman's Avatar

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    Default When you go on vacation, do you SAY you are on vacation??

    In a more philosophical mood today, hence this post (and my last one about appearing bigger than you are).

    I noticed almost nobody (entrepreneurs and corporate people both) ever leaves a real vacation message on their voicemail or e-mail autorespond. It's always "out of the office", etc. Like they are ashamed to admit they are taking a vacation. Well, I'm onto the little ruse - if you're "out of the office from 6/29-7/14", well, you are on vacation, my friend

    Even worse is the "I will be away from 3/14-3/28. However, I will be checking e-mail, voicemail, and will also have my blackberry with me. In addition, the hotel desk will also take messages. You can reach them at xxxxxx"

    Doesn't sound like much of a vacation to me.

    Not me (well, not anymore - I used to be afraid to admit to taking a vacation, but oddly, now I'm somewhat proud of it.) I put a notice right on my website (in big red letters right above the contact form button) that says something akin to "Dan is on vacation from xx to xx, and will answer your stuff when he returns". I do the same for voicemail and e-mail.

    Personally, I have a teeny bit more respect for people who do this. Maybe it's a confidence thing??

    Do you say you are on vacation (when you are)? I think you should - it's actually kind of liberating.
    Dan Furman - Copywriter, Business Author, Entrepreneurial/Business Consultant
    Business Writing Services | Website Copywriting Services | Blog here

  2. #2
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    orion_joel's Avatar

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    I would say that most of the default "Out of office" setting is probably more due to being lazy then really not wanting people to think they are on vacation. I think especially for outlook, "Out of office" is default unless you add more to it. Most often this setting is probably a last minute thought.

    However i do agree with you that being honest about vacation is often a good idea. Everyone takes a vacation, and would i expect generally expect everyone else is going to do the same.

    The one thing that i really cannot stand though is when people do one of two things, either they book a vacation, and then promise to meet a deadline bang in the middle of it. Or the reverse book a vacation right in the middle of a major project after they have committed to meet the deadline. Both can be very showing about how much they really care for the deadlines they commit to.
    Joel Brown
    My Travels

  3. #3


    I frankly tell them I'm enjoying myself with not means of communications other than my current customer help desk. Or backup email / phone for "server down" situations where the help desk may also be down.

    Of course, I haven't had a vacation in 10 years, but.....

    Seriously, I am out of touch. I check in on my schedule.

  4. #4
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    Vacation? What's that?

    I recently had a "stay-cation" when my sister came to visit and most of my clients knew that I was on "vacation" but I did still answer my phone and return emails. Next time I get to leave and go somewhere... I'm not sure what I'll do - probably still answer my phone and return emails while not "working" until I get back.
    Crazy Dog Creative: Graphic Design and Marketing


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