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Thread: Best way to follow-up on a Lead?

  1. #1
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    Default Best way to follow-up on a Lead?

    So I went through three rounds of interviewing for a contract position earlier this year. It seemed like a great fit, but when it came time to negotiate the hourly rate - even my lowest rate was too high for them, so they went with another candidate.

    Anyway, that was three months ago. Throughout the interview process I learned a lot about their goals for their website and their newsletter. Looking at their website today, I see that no progress has been made. In fact, their website seems to need more work today than it did when I interviewed.

    Also, I noticed that on their staffing page, "Web Consultant" is listed as a staff position, but the name and contact fields are blank.

    Since I interviewed I've cut my rates back (yay recession!). Would it be inappropriate for me to follow up with them and see if they are still looking for support? Also, if I do follow-up what is the most tactful way to do that? I don't want to just say "Hey, I noticed you haven't made any progress on your site in the last four months."

    Thoughts/ Advice? I would love to pick these guys up as a regular client.

  2. #2
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    ...duplicate, somehow!
    Last edited by Spider; 12-13-2010 at 09:36 AM.

  3. #3
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    Definitely not inappropriate - in fact, it could gain you a few Brownie points that you are still aware of them.

    "I have just finished my most recent project and, before taking a rest for Christmas, I viisited your website to see the progress you were making. I didn't see any major changes and wondered if you were still in need of help. I won't be available until January but I would be willing to pick up our previous conversation, if you wish. Please let me know how I can help..."

    This does a number of things--

    1. Reminds them that you exist (for now or in the future.)
    2. Lets them know you FINISH projects
    3. Reminds them that their project is unfinished.
    4. Reminds them that you are in demand
    5. .... and busy enough to warrant 'a rest for Christmas'
    6. You are interested in them and their website and concerned for their progress
    7. You are available but "I won't be available" makes you a little unobtainable (people always want want they cannot have!)
    8. You are not asking for work (a sign of desperation) but are WILLING (as a favor, perhaps) to talk some more
    9. Finally you offer help, not ask for a job.

    I hope this helps.

    ADDED: Don't discuss rates until it has been determined that they want you to work for them. Especially, don't propose your current, lower rates. Stick with your previous lowest discussed and, if necessary to reduce their cost, reduce the number of hours you will work for them.
    Last edited by Spider; 12-13-2010 at 09:37 AM.

  4. #4
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    i think it would be fine....and would keep it casual as in ----im keeping in touch in case you ever need me....i would hate to heavily stress that you lowered your rates but just mention that too....
    .i probably wouldnt mention that their site looks like they didnt get any work done... that might be a sore point....and i wouldnt talk about your schedule.....
    Last edited by greenoak; 12-13-2010 at 09:48 AM.
    ann at greenoak

  5. #5
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    Why, Anne? I agree with you not to mention reduced rate - I'd say don't reduce, indeed, don't mention rates at all.

    But, why not mention the website - that's why Amy met with them and why she is contacting them again. I cannot understand why not to mention it. If it is a sore point, mentioning it and getting them cross with the other person or their own staff, would be good for Amy.

    And why not talk about her schedule - that's a big selling point - I am available but not too available. I am so good at what I do that I am in demand...

    Interested in your thought process.

  6. #6
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    I get this from time to time.

    I would just drop an email thanking them for their previous consideration and offering your services in future.
    If they are in a lurch and were considering you before, that would usually get an instant response.

    There could be many reasons that nothing has been done yet from they are just reevaluating the project, ran out of funds for the moment, or are building something on a new domain.
    It could also mean that they couldn't get it done for what they wanted to pay, or that the person they hired at that price sucks or screwed them over.

    Since you don't know what the reason is, I wouldn't mention the current state of the site either. I agree that it could very well be a sore point if they are having difficulties. If they contact you, let them bring it up. It also looks as if you have nothing better to do than check up on them.

    I also wouldn't mention that you lowered your rates. That's an issue for discussion if they respond.
    That's how I'd play it.

  7. #7
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    Again, Harold - you made the same point that Anne did - don't mention the website. I'm interested to know what you think Amy would gain by not mentioning the very topic that she is contacting them about. And what she would lose by mentioning it.

    I think the website is the only reason to contact the prospect and should be the only subject to mention. Interested in your reasoning.

  8. #8
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    It's just the way I would do it. Not that I think it would be completely wrong to mention it.
    To me it's kind of like saying "Hey, you didn't hire me and yet your website still looks like crap."

    They know it is still in disarray. And they probably can assume that you know it too.

    I'd just play it a little cooler than being obvious. Only because it's a job that you didn't get. If it were a job that was up in the air, or you hadn't heard back from a prospect in a while, then yes I would mention the project. But since they hired someone else, mentioning it directly or inquiring as to what is going on could sound like sour grapes and look unprofessional.

    As far as you are concerned, you should just be contacting them to show that there are no hard feelings and that you welcome an opportunity to possibly work with them in the future.
    Not a "Hey, what's gong on with your site?" letter. Because technically, the ship has sailed. Once the job has been given to someone else, it's really none of your concern what is going on with it.

    That's just my opinion.
    Last edited by Harold Mansfield; 12-13-2010 at 11:51 AM.

  9. #9
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    Okay - always good to get another slant on a subject.

  10. #10
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    I would agree that I wouldn't mention lack of progress on the current site, it could sound like sour grapes, and it could be a sore point for whomever receives the e-mail.

    I'd just keep it fairly simple. Really, all you need to do is point out that you're there and available. Something as simple as just wishing your contact a happy holiday and letting them know you would be interested in working with them in the future should be more than enough.


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