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Thread: Refer A Friend Business Idea

  1. #1

    Default Refer A Friend Business Idea

    Hey Guys,

    I am doing some work on an idea for a start up which will supply Refer A Friend software for websites.

    Is there anybody on here who has a refer a friend offer with their business and would be willing to
    answer a few quick questions over email?

    It would be really appreciated and would help out with focus on product development.


  2. #2
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    Wayne, by refer a friend do you mean something like an affiliate program or a commission for the referral? I don't currently have anything set up, but I don't mind answering a few questions if it will help. If you click though to my site via the link in my signature you can find a contact form or an email address. Both go to the same place.
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  3. #3
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    Hi Wayne,

    I have a referral program I can share, but I'd like to see these answers shared on the forum so I can see other's responses too.

    For one of my businesses, I attach a coupon to every bag of dog or cat food that gets delivered. If they give the coupon to a friend or neighbor, and they end up ordering a bag of food then both parties gets $10 off their next purchase. Although it represents very easy money (in my opinion) it amazes me how few people take advantage of it.
    Steve B

  4. #4


    Referrals are vital in business but the refer a friend thing is kind of a strange sell.

    Like Steve said very easy money but few people take advantage of it. I think maybe male ego comes into play a bit with
    giving one of my buddies a coupon to save next time he goes to the store.

    Even though it would save him money sharing coupons just isn't typical guy thing.
    I have a friend that I work out with and the gym offers a buddy membership, it would save money
    but a buddy membership at a gym is just not something I'm comfortable with.

    Anyways send me your survey would be glad to help out anyway I can

  5. #5
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    We have a referral program that was implemented about a year ago. Once someone has taken one of our courses, if they refer someone to us they receive a $20.00 pre-paid Visa gift card with our logo on it when their referral has paid for their course. We didn't put a limit on it, so in theory, they could actually end up not only paying for their course, but making money for their referrals.

    By printing having Visa print our logo on the cards it is not only a constant reminder of our business, but merchants, etc. are also getting exposed to the business name and logo.
    Ted Pfirrmann
    Owner / CEO
    Omega Firearms Training

  6. #6
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    Ted - do a lot of people take advantage of it?
    Steve B

  7. #7
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    Yes, especially when we explain that they could not only get their course for free, but also make money. It turns clients into recruiters for you. The cards (PM me and I'll send you a link to them) only charge $5.00 per card (no setup costs etc.) in addition to whatever money you want to put on the cards.
    Ted Pfirrmann
    Owner / CEO
    Omega Firearms Training

  8. #8
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    that's a good deal Ted since a generic card would cost you $5 too! And it's a good incentive - the recipient can use it for whatever they want.
    Crazy Dog Creative: Graphic Design and Marketing

  9. #9
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    Not to mention it's easy to do... upload your artwork and you're done. They look 100% professional, just like the cards issued by your bank and you can store a few hundred of them without them taking up much space. When it comes time to issue one, you can use that tacky, soft, rubber cement substance (does anyone know what it's called?) to attach them to high gloss "Thank you for the referral!" cards, include a nice letter expressing your gratitude for their confidence don't forget to include the dollar amount on the card), slide them into an envelope and mail them to the client that provided the referral.

    They are also excellent to have on hand for misc. gifts, as you can keep several in your suit jacket pocket without it causing a noticable bulge.
    Ted Pfirrmann
    Owner / CEO
    Omega Firearms Training


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