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Thread: I'm new here, this is my business website

  1. #11
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Melbourne, Australia


    Hi Kamron,

    Congratulations on starting your business. I wish you all the best, and hope it really takes off! My thoughts for you:

    The photography is good, many sites in your budget range end up with poor photography which lets the product down. Yours looks quite good. Using real life models with some additional poses would probably get you something a bit better, but for now, it works.

    I'm assuming that you've improved the home page based on what others have said. I like what you've done with the up front call to action to see the product range.

    I would think about designing a more unique logo to help with your brand. Many clothing brands in your target market go for "edgy", which might be something to consider.

    Considering your target market, I would try to expand your reach on Facebook, etc. I'm totally generalising since I'm an old fart, but I would assume you'd have lots of people you could connect to your brand through Facebook that you're already connected to? Put the word out. Put on a discount weekend or something and advertise it on Facebook. If shopify can give you coupon codes, throw some to people who follow you on Facebook. I just noticed that you had a coupon code for your grand opening, so looks like this is possible.

    What is your marketing plan for the site? How are you letting people know about you so far?
    Dan Harper, creator of Catalyst CRM.
    CRM Software for small business.

  2. #12
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Winnebago, IL


    I agree with others so won't dwell too much on those items. I really would like a good description of the product. You have a picture of the steak there, give the buyer some text "sizzle"

    I know its a personal thing but I would have a phone number in a prominent place (or places). I know you aren't brick and mortar but people want someone to contact easily (yes aside from email) if they have a problem or questions.

    Probably not a big thing but when I went to the product page, you did not have the price there. It was on the product grouping page and I would probably carry that over to the product as well.

    I wasn't wild about the colors on your home page but thats totally a personal opinion and in reality, it may be okay as it helps the customer focus on the merchandise although I suspect younger crowds may want a more hip environment.

    If this this takes off, I would get my own shopping cart system etc. so you have your own real site. I say that because then you won't be reliant on Shopify. Again, down the road!.

    If I were you, I would use that blog. get keywords associated with your clothes and each couple days write a 500 word article about something with those keywords. You can get more traffic that way and also it gives your site more authority with the search engines.

    My biggest suggestion....make the tweeks that you want and do it quickly because now all you have to do is three things to be successful
    1.) Market your website
    2.) Market your website
    3.) Market your website

    Yes there are other things but if nobody knows about your site, you can't sell.

    I commend you for two things. First and foremost for getting out there and doing something like this. You have put a lot of work into it and it appears you have the mindset to be quite successful. I truly wish you the best of luck in this. The other thing I commend you on is putting your site out there. Thats not the easiest thing to do but it makes great business sense.

    Good Luck
    I have several years of small business Internet Marketing experience with specializations in email marketing, SEO, and local search engine marketing.
    Jeff Pohl 815iMedia


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