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Thread: Hello From Northern Illinois

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Mar 2011
    Winnebago, IL

    Default Hello From Northern Illinois

    I have been doing posts for a week and figure I should stop by here just in case somebody wants to know who the heck I am.

    My name is Jeff Pohl and I'm an Internet Marketer (thats the first step ). I used to never tell people that because I got odd looks and they thought I was only slightly more moral than a drug dealer. Now that I am a bit more established, I still get the exact same response but I enjoy the reaction.

    Actually I did (and still do) a lot of Pay Per Click, SEO and offline marketing as an affiliate for various businesses. Before I get to where I am now, let me very quickly take you on my journey. I was a programmer/systems analyst who decided one day I needed to know more about business. I then decided to get my MBA and it did help me open my eyes a lot. I got into the forementioned IM arena and made some money and lost some money.

    I ran across a couple small business owners (their businesses were small, not the owners...but I digress) who knew they should be doing something on the Internet but had no good idea what they should be doing and really even why. After helping them I started looking around and found many small businesses in that situation. Since then I have been doing a lot of SEO consulting locally. However, I am on a mission to get a system in place to get small businesses on the net correctly and cost effectively.

    I love this stuff and please feel free to ask me directly any questions in the SEO/IM space that you may have and I would be happy to help. I don't pretend to know everything. I still have lots to learn but I've been around this stuff for a while now and have a few experiences that I think work and are relevant and am always willing to share.
    I have several years of small business Internet Marketing experience with specializations in email marketing, SEO, and local search engine marketing.
    Jeff Pohl 815iMedia

  2. #2
    Post Impressionist
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    Welcome to the forum Jeff. I know we've been chatting back and forth awhile now, but it's nice to be able to give you the official welcome. I know those looks. I also get the confused looks from people when I tell them I'm a web designer and then have to explain what I actually do all day.

    Great to have you with us and thanks for joining the community.
    l Join me as I share my creative process and journey as a writer |
    l Design, Development, Marketing, and SEO Tutorials | Steven Bradley's Notebook
    l Get my book about Design Fundamentals

  3. #3


    I'll join in the official welcome to add my greetings. I'm glad to have you join our group and look forward to your continued posts.


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