I am doing a project for my economic class where i have to interview business owners.

Business Name:

Owner/Owner's Name(s):


Type of Business:

Sole proprietorship, Partnership, or Corporation?

Products (goods or services offered):

how many years in existence:

How many Employees:

What prompted you to begin this business?

What kind of problems did you anticipate before you started if any?

What kinds of problems do you deal with in the daily operation of your business?

What type of employees do you have (full-time, hourly wage, salary, etc.)?

Before starting your business, did you have a business plan?

What do you find most rewarding about owning you own business?

As a small business owner, do you believe you have any advantages over large businesses or corporations? If yes, what advantages. If no, why not?

What advice would you offer to anyone who is thinking about starting a business of his or her own?