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Thread: New Member. E.V/ Evan

  1. #1
    Post Impressionist
    vangogh's Avatar

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    Welcome to the forum Evan. Sounds like you have a good plan. Going into business with a friend isn't automatically a bad thing. It just presents additional challenges because it brings a personal relationship into the business. The two aren't always easy to keep separate, though there isn't a reason why they can't be separate. It'll come down to the two of you and how well you can distinguish the line between friendship and business.

    Nice images. I once had a 1984 Celica Supra, though in my case it wasn't a good car. Not because of the car itself, but because of the prior owner. Sadly I wasn't the gearhead you are and didn't recognize or listen to the warning signs. I did managed to keep it running a few years though.

    Looking forward to getting to know you and thanks for joining the community.
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  2. #2
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    Hi Evan :-)

    I'm Canadian, but nowhere near the Toronto area...and the only things I can do with a car are wash it, fill it with gas, change the oil and change a tire, everything else is a mystery to me no matter how many times I watch...

  3. #3
    Refugee from the .com
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    Welcome. I'm a car buff almost to extremes. I'm also a lot older than you at 50. There is one advantage to my age, I was there for the muscle car era. My first car out of high school was a 1969 Olds Toronado with a 455 V8 + 4 barrel carb. Translated to new car engine specs, that would be somewhere around 7½ liters. I can guarantee you that is NOT a car an 18 year old should have. It's only by the Lord's mercy I'm still alive.

    It sure was fun to drive though. Being able to go from 60 to 95 in only a few hundred feet meant I didn't need much time or room to pass. This was back in the days of 3 speed automatic transmissions and if I punched it at 70, it would still downshift into 2nd gear. I sure miss that when I get behind some of the putts's out on the road. In case you're wondering, it had a top speed of about 125. If it weren't for the 4461 lbs it weighed empty, and had it had an overdrive transmission, I think it would have gone significantly faster.
    Steve Chittenden

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