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Thread: Charity Golf Tournament as Promotion

  1. #1

    Default Charity Golf Tournament as Promotion

    Hi all,
    I opened a small business a few months ago. We have gotten about 6 or 7 steady customers so far and are covering costs and doing well for being so young. We are a court reporting firm which means we serve attorneys mostly.

    I am looking for ways to drum up more clients and had the idea to plan a charity golf tournament for promotion of our business. I would team with a charity close to my heart, and we would run it just to make money for the charity there would be no money in it for me other than to cover the costs of the tournament. I would recruit local attorneys to get teams together and play in the tournament. I would try to get charitable donations to raffle off and have business's sponsor wholes and so on and so forth.

    It should basically cost me nothing to do, and it would help a good cause while at the same time it would expose me and my business to a ton of attorneys in town. What do you all think, good idea or not?


  2. #2
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    I think that would certainly be something to look into. In my opinion the exposure from that event alone would boost your business quite a bit or give you name recognition at the very least. I am not a financial wizard of any sorts, so I am not sure as to if this is recommended to do when your business is so young, but the raw idea really speaks to me. The idea of gaining exposure to potential customers and being able to raise money for a charity that means something to you is a powerful duo. I am a promotional products dealer and I am going to discuss this very idea with a few of my customers, I think events like these would help me help them to strengthen their bottom lines and in some cases their communities because of the charitable aspect. Anyway I would certainly not shy away from any ideas like this. As long as financially your not taking an enormous risk than I would go ahead with it.

    Last edited by JacobBergeron; 09-27-2011 at 06:04 PM.

  3. #3


    I am fairly certain, it would be of minimal cost to me. I took part in a church tournament earlier this year, and I know thee made at least some money for the charity. I know they got donations for all the raffle prizes, and the golfers entry fees covered the greens fee and cart rental leaving a small chunk for the charity. They raffled off mulligans and had an entry for a hole in one prize of $50,000 dollars, with the pay off insured through a company that does policies for such events. All in all, I think it would only really cost me my time, and I spend that like it's going out of style anyways.


  4. #4
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    Well I would go ahead with it than Tom, it seems as if it would be well worth your time. If you need anyone to fulfill your promotional product needs (items such as pens, posters, shirts, or anything with your logo on it just about) let me know. I wish you the best of luck!


  5. #5
    Queen of the Forum
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    It's not a bad idea, but I would investigate all the costs thoroughly before committing. You'd need to know, down to the penny, what you'd have to bring in so you can cover costs, and also what would happen if you weren't able to cover those costs. I'd also start assessing interest in such an event. Do some informal polling and see who would be interested in playing and also what charities people most commonly support.

    Also, make sure you have a realistic estimate of how much time planning and organizing this event will take. If it takes too much time away from running your primary business it may cost you more than you're prepared to give.

  6. #6
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    Very solid points Kristine. I as well like the general idea, my only concern is financial risk and if not so much direct money loss than loss indirectly by the amount of time this would consume to plan and prepare for. However I feel if done correctly this could be a smart business move from a PR and Marketing standpoint.

  7. #7


    Corporate Golf Tournaments are a great idea. I ran one this past season and it was a huge success. I recommend looking for a service that specializes in this. I used Tournament Caddy, they had many big sponsors attached to them which made selling tickets easy. They basically run your tournament and ensure it is a success. There is a fairly large fee attached to such a service, however the benefits of the event make up for it significantly.



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