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Thread: Not sure about work preformed not under contract

  1. #11
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    Lawrence Ks.


    Well got to the office and ... well she was unhappy it wasnt about thw work she said.. she said that I do good work so that was not the prob... Now she said that some of her tenents said they overheard me and my help complaining about her failure to comply and that my help was on the phone telling somebody about the frustration we both have exspressed . and thats the nice way to put it ... I talked to my guy and he admitted that he was kind of abrasive . also swearing some as he worked on and around the windows.. This I dont do and dont alow..(people can hear everything you say through the window.) I had to let my guy of 5 yeard go but he has not been paid in full and Im taped out.../any way She the manager still has not been to the job yet and was suprised to know that I have done anything she was told (by a little mouse or maybe the guy in building 3 that is a painter and wants the job for himself.) that nothing has been done. well I got 37 hrs. in doing nothing... guess I have to wait till monday to know if I am going to be allowed to proceed. still sounds fishey but atleast we know now .. sorry for the rant and thanks for listening. I will check back to answer any questions I like this fourm it has been helpful...
    The Painter
    of 38 years

  2. #12
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    Sorry about how things went. I can understand her not being happy about the language and the complaining, though it would have been nice for her to return your calls and let you know right away. Seems like the kind of thing that can be worked out, but I guess you'll find out Monday. At least you now know what happened. Even if it wasn't the resolution you were hoping for, it's better to know than not know.
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  3. #13
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    Going around on this with the apparment manager . I got 26 hrs. in this job for myself and my help also got over 400 in materials lots of other materials used that I had in stock used . I got a 600 dollar advance now she wants me to give back most of the money said the work was unsatisfactory . I dont want to but sounds lkie time for a lein

  4. #14
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    Wow. I guess the conversation the other day didn't help. Why exactly is she saying the work is unsatisfactory. At first she was saying the work wasn't an issue, but it was the language being used by those working. Now it's the work. It's sounding like she just doesn't want to pay and is looking for an excuse to get out of paying.

    Maybe it's time to give her an invoice for all your expenses. You mentioned you spent more in labor and materials than what was covered by the deposit so send her an invoice for the labor and materials. You may end up just wanting to cut your losses on this as it may lead to more stress than it's worth. I'd also make sure in the future to have the contract signed and explain how the deposit is nonrefundable or at least the portion you use to purchase materials and labor is nonrefundable.
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  5. #15
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    OK lets put this thing to bed... I went in the office today gave them a bill for work up to date . they are not going to pay me squat . found they have been going to local paint stores checking my account to see if I had bought any materials . told me they think I have used sub standard product on their building and ...even though I showed the receipts ..... well thats the excuse for today .. I pack it in and give up on these people... UGHHHH if I was younger I would be more angry than that I am ... so now all I can do is let all the painters in town know so no body makes the mistake of working for these loosers like I did...

  6. #16
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    They sure are going to a lot of trouble not to pay you. Crazy. I think you're right that putting it behind you is the best thing to do. I understand the anger and wanting to be compensated, but it's probably not worth the effort or stress. Letting the other painters in town is likely enough.

    Hopefully this is happening because it frees you for an even better job that's coming.
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  7. #17
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    Just reread this mess you're going through here and I feel the answer is in what you first wrote where you stated you had done work for these people before. I guess you never had this problem before. My guess is that they have now discovered they are financial trouble and giving a line of you know what is their way of not paying you. Send them a final bill for the money they currently owe and include in a note that if it is not paid within 10 days of receipt you will be forced to file a lien. This only will cost you a postage stamp and maybe get you your money.
    Jeff L

  8. #18


    I usually drop stuff like this because in the end the time spent isn't worth it. In this case it would upset me enough to peruse legal action or at least do what Jeff said. Make them think you will take legal action. Its pretty close to a frontal attack on you. I'd spend the money on this for a letter from an attorney. And like I said, that's not my style.

  9. #19
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    Get this ,got a call later today they wanted me to do a few work orders (I was also their part time maintenace man ) for them after all that i DID NOT RETURN THE CALL . done PEACE OUT

  10. #20
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    You should have agreed and asked for full payment up front.

    So let's see your work is so unsatisfactory that they won't pay you, but they'll gladly call you for more work.
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