Hello all! I am not necessarily starting a new business but I am expanding my current business. This is a business I do part time as I am a RN full time (only 3 -12 hr shifts per week so I have spare time). I have met someone that initially provided me with supplies that were needed and the initial idea that was put forth was when the product was sell-able that we would split profits 50/50 as he put in the money for supplies and I was putting in labor. However, I came upon another business going out of business due to moving and I asked my "invester" if he wanted to purchase the leftover stock at the cost of $1700. He did in fact supply me this and also I'd say about $1300 or so for other supplies in the initial investment idea. Total in $3000. We have nothing on paper as of right now and nothing in stone as far as what we are doing. When we were discussing things the other day he said he would like his initial investment paid back slowly overtime as we begin bringing in money. This was not in what we had discussed earlier and now I am wondering if this is still a good proposal as I'm putting in all labor, time, marketing and the only thing he has in is the initial investment. It is very labor intensive and without labor there would be nothing. He also is sending me business from an existing website (my main thing would be contacting the customers he sends my way and making the sale plus shipping the product) that he is not able to handle due to time constraints and is proposing that a 50/50 split right now as well. The only thing is is that I have my own business as well as what he has purchased/invested. So, I would have to separate what is mine and what is his. This is an easy thing as far as knowing what's what, however he is proposing to pay me from his company rather than running it through mine or creating a joint company. In this case he is saying that he would provide me a 1099 at the end of the year. I am not sure which way to go with this or what is fair, what to propose etc. I haven't had any experience with this and have done some reading as far as an initial split of a higher amount until initial investment is paid back. I feel after that is paid back I should perhaps get a higher split as I will be the only one generating income for the venture. There are alot of variables here to be determined and the money has already been paid out and I have put a substantial amount of work into this so far. I know this is alot all at once, but any questions for me to help straighten this out or to provide suggestions?